Low level format without a running PC

When users wish to wipe their external HD it will take many hours.

In cases of e.g. 3TB it may take some 20 hours or more.

All this time, the pc is up and running, consuming power and heat and one should be careful not to disturb the wiping proces (e.g. reboot because of a system freeze or other software problems).

Considering that an external drive may be up and running (powered on) whereas the pc is closed down…

it would then be nice if external drives would include something like a a kind of built-in wiping that would be started from PC installed software.

It would be something like:

I run a WDC software-tool from my pc,

initiate the [NEW feature] built-in wiping of the HDD,

the wiping proces starts.

In fact, I could shut down the pc, I can remove the USB cable from the USB drive.

As the USB drive remains powered on, the wiping process take place without having to worry about it.

Personally I think this would be nice feature.
