iTunes 10 update - MBWE iTunes Server

Dear Community,

I’ve recently updated iTunes to version 10.

In the shared devices, I found an “untitled playlist” linked to my MBWE.

After loading the library, the iTunes display of my MBWE is still empty…

How can I resolve this ?



I have this problem too.

It looks like it will need an upgrade to the media server:

Would this come via an updated firmware?

Just to report same situation here when upgrading to iTunes 10, showing an unnamed playlist in the “Shared” section, which appears as MyBook World upon clicking, however it loads with no music visible. Feature Panned :frowning:

MBWEII, Mac Book Pro and iTunes 10 the same problem after update of MBWEII

Any ideas how to fix it?

Following the above - Just to say that I’m on the .18 firmware still

Looks like downgrading itunes is the way forward for the moment…

Same problem after upgrading to iTunes 10.

MBWE firmware 01.01.18.

Is there any other solution beside downgrading iTunes?

Did anyone try ssh and installing forked-daap v0.12?


Same problem for me too.  Looking at comments elsewhere it appears that iTunes 10 has broken iTune server implementations on most other models of NAS as well.  I see the new Apple TV requires iTunes 10 to stream media to it so they have probably changed the way it works in some way.   Will WD be doing a firmware upgrade for MBWE to support iTunes 10?

I’m running MBWE version 01.02.04 and it has the same problem with iTunes v10.

Same problem here with three Windows 7 64 bit computers.

Hope it gets fixed soon.


On the last firmware 1.02.04 we wait more than 9 months and then he damaged thousands of devices all over the world.

Who would like to risk new firmware? :slight_smile:

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Yep that’s certainly a concern - as this seems to affecting multiple media servers, hopefully it will be sorted quickly.

If you are thinking about upgrading to latest firmware right now - which is 1.02.04 - just to see if this fixes the media server + iTunes 10 issue, I would recommend NOT to do it until a new and (hopefully) bugless firmware is released.

First see thread for reports on issues with latest firmware 1.02.04:

WD is aware of the issue that surfaced with release of iTunes 10.   We are working on locking down a solution and to implement a firmware fix as soon as possible.  Please expect that additional time will be required for us to run through our internal test before we release out to everyone.

Thank you for your patience.


Sounds good, Thanks for getting back to us :slight_smile:

Is there any update to this yet? We are still awaiting a release.

Thanks in advance,



You don’t need to bump the post.  If there’s no response, it’s because there’s no update yet.

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It seems that forked-daapd works with iTunes 10.  Now the problam is we need to recompile forked-daapd on MBWE, and package it for the MBWE.  forked-daapd seems to be the way to go since it is the only daapd actively supported.

I hope WD is working to replace mt-daapd with forked-daapd, and package it so it is easy to install on MBWE.

Newbie question, but - does the upgrade to iTunes 10 only pose a problem relating to content on the “iTunes Server” (Public/Shared Music)?

My current setup is that I have created a new folder called “iTunes Music” inside the Public share, and that’s where all my iTunes media is.  Would upgrading to iTunes 10 with such a configuation result in the same problem being discussed in this thread?