How to hide folders from an external HDD

How can you hide folders from displaying on the WDTV. I have some inapproriate movies for kids which I don’t want them to see.

Is this possible?


If you put a “.” in front of the name, the WDTV won’t show them.

But of course, YOU won’t be able to see them, either.

I don’t think that would be possible if I’m using windows.

Any other way?

None that I know of…  

Best to keep your … ahem … “Mature” stuff on a separate hard disk.  ;)

Any help would be appreciated.

Of course it’s possible under Windows, just don’t use the crappy win explorer but Total Commander.

@Techflaws: Care to share how to go about it? thanks!

Basically you use anything other than windows explorer - like total commander. You then add a . (period) in front of the folder name. This hides the folder. However the WDTV does not then see it so you cannot play from it.

You could also try ExplorerXP (free)