Hd Wmv, sd dont work


i dont speak english good. sorry for that.

Yesterday my media player arrived. It play nearly all files i have but exactly the files most important for me dont work…

Some wmv files work and some not.

gspot says this about the files:

Codec: WVC1

Name: VC-1 Adv (WMP11)

1920 x 1080

Codec: WMV2

Name: WMP v8

768 x 432

Both cant be played on my Media Player.

Waht can i do? Please Help! i seriously want to play the files:)

Neither of those codecs are supported.

Says so on the box.   WMV9 is supported, but not WMV2. 

VC1 is supported, but not WVC1.

You’ll need to use a program such as HANDBRAKE to convert them to a supported codec.

I’m not sure if Handbrake supports WVC1, but it does support WMV2…