Firmware 1.05.04_V stretching video on 4:3 TV


I have a WDTV Live connected to a 4:3 TV. Most of the videos I watch are wide, so it’s normal to see those black bars on the top and on the bottom. However, since the new firmware was installed, any video that I try to see is being stretched. It’s annoying. They look terrible now.

I have realized that if I go the the Settings menu and change Aspect Ratio from Normal to Widescreen, and then change it back to Normal seems to fix the problem. However, the problem is back as soon as you reload the device.

Does anyone see this problem too? Any permanent workaround/fix? Should I go back to the old firmware (1.04)?

Can you perform a factory reset on your device through the settings menu option and see if this solves the problem?

No, it didn’t fix the problem. I have performed a factory reset and changed the Aspect Ratio to Normal. Video was ok at this point. Just after the reloading the device, the video was stretched again.  :frowning:

Thank you for testing this.  I greatly appreciate your assistance!

I’ll ask Bill_S to forward this thread on.

I also have the same problem and the solution is after turning on wdtv live go to options set widescreen then normal and then movies acpest ratio are ok. But that wasn’t before and now it is pain in the **bleep**. Common, fix this problem please. I have wdtv live and now he stretch picture terribly.

pcunha wrote:

Does anyone see this problem too? Any permanent workaround/fix? Should I go back to the old firmware (1.04)?

Yep… it’s not just you.

I leave mine on 24/7 so going into the settings isn’t a problem for me… it’s my work-around. :wink:

As far as I can see with some quick messing about, there’s 3 choices:

  1. leave the WDTV on
  2. mess about with setitng it to “Widescreen” and then back to “Normal” every time you power the box on
  3. rollback the firmware

The good thing with #3 is the biggest complaints with the previous firmware seemed to all be HDMI-related… using composite out to a 4:3 CRT, I had absolutely no issues with the previous firmware.

Yes, same problem here.

Same here… After firmware update my 4:3 CRT had the ratio wrong. Is there a “possible” timeline for the fix within the next week?.. ( asking to know if rolling back the firmware is worth the version troubles… Or wait to roll-forth with the firmware)

Some people have had success by resetting the device…

  • unplug for 10 minutes
  • press the paper-clip reset button when it powers back on
  • “Reset To Factory Defaults” in the settings when it resets

That tends to fix things if the box gets stuck on a bad setting.  It’s certainly worth trying.

Unless my eyes are playing trick on me, the resets didn’t work for me, tho… I still get 4:3 showing up pillarboxed on a 4:3 display when the device starts up.

I was going to try another round of resets this evening, leaving the box unplugged longer, and see if I could fix it.

If the resets don’t work, then I’m not seeing a fourth option beyond living with it, leaving the box on, or rolling back.

I’d highly doubt there’d be anything else within the next week, but stranger things have happened.

I have reseted device from menu and with the jumper near usb hole.

Nothing  helps, same problem. Don’t waste time on this method. Partially solution is no solution at all.

Wdtv team please help us. Video just look terrible stretched.

I have the same problem. Since the bug is fixed, where can I get the last firmware?

I use a 4:3 TV with my WDTV Live so the default for me is “normal”.  When I upgraded to V1.05.04_V, the screen streched everything top to bottom.  I checked and saw my mode was still normal, so I set it to “Widescreen”, then watched a video to see if the stretching still existed (it did).  Then I set my mode to “normal” and when I viewed a video, the stretching was gone.

Even if I powered the WDTV off/on, the problem did NOT reappear.

I have not tried unplugging the WDTV to see if the problem reappears.

@ RoofingGuy: Thank you!

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We are looking into this issue.



Add me to the list. The same problem here with the same temporary solution (set to wide and back to normal)…

Yep me too… I have a standard television in the bedroom. i used the UI to set the video to standard from wide-screen. watched some videos from my mythtv server (awesome)…however, if i turn my WD live plus off(then back on again). i need to enter setup and switch from standard back to wide-screen and bank to standard again in order to view the video in correct aspect ratio… (the setting still reads standard but the video plays in wide-screen, until i go though these steps) …

Its odd that myself and a friend of mine both have the WDTV Live and experienced the normal/widescreen bug in Firmware 1.05.04_V, but after switching the WDTV setting to widescreen (then watching a video) and then setting back to normal (and watching a video), the problem has not reoccured.  But everyone else in this forum says the problem comes back after powering off their WDTV.  Strange, but maybe this is a clue to WDTV Engineers to help solve the problem.

Just noticed that RATZEL has WDTV Live Plus, but the 1.05.04_V firmware is for the WDTV Live (which is what I have).

The bug seems present in both versions, which isn’t surprising… as far as I know, the 2 firmwares have the same base, and the Plus version just has the extra Plus material.

I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if it was on the new Hub firmware too, but I haven’t seen anyone say anything yet.