Connect BookLIve to WDTVLive

Dear fellow WD devices users.

I recentlly aquired a MyBookLive 1TB and succesfully connected it to my network and computers. The think is that i allready had a WdTVLive. Since the MyBookLive can be accesed through the internet as a cloud without being connected to the same wifi network, I thought it would be nice if I could acces the WdTvLive through the MyBookLive. Like this I could have my WDTVLive media library everywhere… Is that possible? I found out that WDTVLive can access MyBookLive, but I am interested in the other way arround.


you can mount the wdtvlive internal drive onto your MBL by using SSH.  It would be mounted in DataVolume.

here are some ideas of how to do it