Another Logitech Keyboard

I purchased the Logitech K360 wireless keyboard and it works beautifully! The keyboard uses Logitech’s Unifying receiver and pairs immediately with the keyboard. All functions for control of the WDTV Live Plus are listed in the user’s manual. I also have a USB wired Logitech NetPlay keyboard that was originally designed for the Playstation 2 but I plugged it in and it immediately worked without any setup!

So, the keyboards work:

Logitech NetPlay keyboard

 Logitech K360

Thank you very much for sharing your discovery with the WD Community. Many Users will find this information quite helpful when in need.


What is the keyboard key to fast forward e movie? If any.

josephtanyh wrote:
What is the keyboard key to fast forward e movie? If any.

Try + for FF and - for rev.

tried a Logitech keyboard that’s for the Wii (has dedicated keys) works great to type and limited navigation and can’t bring up stuff like SEARCH or OPTIONS.

I am understanding that SEARCH and OPTIONS could be assigned to F-keys with the K360 and would then work with the WDTV? Or do key assignments only work when using the keyboard on a PC?

Are there any keyboards out there that are dedicated for the WDTV (key permently assigned to duplicate the WDTV remote)?

Per the manual, Ctrl key will give you most functions:

Ctrl + F = Search (I know, why not S?)

Ctrl + P = Power off (and there is no keyboard equivalent stated to “power on”)

Ctrl = O = Options

Ctrl + E = Switches to safe mode to eject or remove USB devices

Hampone wrote:

Ctrl + F = Search (I know, why not S?)

CTRL-F is fairly standard in the computer world for “find”, whether searching a webpage with Firefox or searching a document with Adobe Reader… makes sense to assume WD would stick to fairly standardized shortcuts. :wink:

Control -S is also the legacy in-band control sequence for stopping a data stream, used to be used on old RS-232 connections and modems.

*showing my age here…*