Anodized Trickle Theme (beta)

Hi zamzickles,

First, thanks.  To modify the plot text, just open the “rv_gallery_browse_page.xml” and change the font size on this line:

  <text x=“260” y=“236” w=“760” h=“128” text=“@@overview” fontsize=“20” numlines=“5” linespacing=“1” textcolor=“0xffffff” align=“hcenter” />

I would change it to “24”, if you go any larger you’ll need to change the “h” value and you may overlap the page counter with the plot text.

Just what the eye doctor ordered. Thanks very much !

I did change hcenter to left. Just a matter of preference.

Just one more mod I’d like to make, Looking at the trickle covers and then up at actors and plot there seems to be a lot of space to the right of these fields. This might help fit a longer plot and more actors.

I’m probably pushing my luck here, but I figured I’d give it a shot. Thanks for the great work,

Well, got done what I wanted done (put my big boy “Hacker” pants" on) and then realized that there wasn’t any room left to put rating in there somewhere, even if I could have figured how !

Tried this last night and it’s amazing…I just used my existing cover art and it worked like a charm!   Just need some time to work with thumbgen but DCUO is taking all of my free time  :smileyvery-happy:

Works fine except in your pics u show, you have the ‘green dvd cover’ that surrounds the album art, whereas on my hub all i have is a green outline, how do i get the dvd cover around the art instead of just a green outline, and how did u get the name of the movie in the other pic to show up where the above pic says dvd ?

mine just has the album art with a green outline

u have 2 pics, one that has a dvd cover outline

and the other has a dvd cover, but instead of saying dvd, it says the name of the movie…

do i have to do something to make either of these work that way?

Hey Pulazki-

Read the first page of this post to find the answer to your question.

Great work TW,

FYI, and perhaps you have noticed yourself but, when viewing in ‘trickle folder view’ if you press next or last page there is a delay and drag on say the top quarter of the folder/ dvd icons along the bottom.

I realise it is a beta version but just wanted to let you know. this also applies on extreme digitals theme, which has been modified from yours and viz a vie.

keep up the good work! and thanks again for all your efforts.

Yeah, I had noticed it, but I don’t think that it can really be helped.  It has more to do with the speed of the processor and how its able to handle the graphics.  It also happens when you use “Next Page” & “Prev Page”. 

Probalby the only way to fix it is to make all the Cover art the same size (shrinking all back down to 114 X 161), which really defeats the purpose of having the Trickle effect.

The thing you have to remember is that these things (the reflections, moviesheets, trickle effect) are really workarounds and do things that WD had never planned for, so, even though these things can be done, they can cause certain side effects that can’t be fixed.

Hi guys funny i have just been talking with drizzt09 via pm about this exact same issue.

Basically in Gallery view the Hub will update the bottom half first then refresh the top part ??? you dont have the same issue in the Grid views.

I suppose the original theme will have the thumbnails at the bottom and the metadata / static icons at the top hence the reason why the hub draws the image in that fashion …

As Tinwarble say the only way would be to make the thumbnails smaller and lower but this kinda defeats the purpose of larger cover tickle or cover flow images…so it might be a side effect that we have to put up with…

A work around could be to have a top part of the screen that never changes this might reduce the ‘tearing effect’ but this would mean my themes in particular would need a total redesign.

Well, I was looking at it again and it actually does it at the bottom also.  If you watch it, and your using the Coverart with reflections, it takes a millisec for the reflections to catch up to the image.

It appears that there is only a certain amount of space that it will draw at the speed that it’s supposed to.

TW, that makes sense, ie just the original part of the screen that that the thumbnails in the original gallery view…

However can i be controversial and say sometimes i even like the ‘effect’ as it adds to the animated feel…

I did somemore testing on this, and it looks as though the delay happens for anything over about 200 pixels in height.

And, yeah it doesn’t really bother me that much, I figure the benefits out weight the small drawing delay.


I’m currently loving your theme and I realize that your theme does not use movie sheets but how do I get the back ground images to show behind each of the movie preview screens. You’re screen capture shows the Astro Boy background while also showing the cover box and movie details. I’d like to create the same effect but can’t seem to get it to work.

I’ve got all my movies in one folder with separate movie.jpg files and movie.xlm files for each movie. I have added movie.mkv_sheet.jpg as well but this does not seem to work.

Any help would be very much appreciated.



Well, the background is the rotating background from the xml, which is also were the metadata (movie details) comes from.

If it isn’t showing up, it is probably because you don’t have an xml for you movie, or it’s incomplete.   When you make the Cover boxes with reflections make sure you also check the box at the top that says “Generate .nfo flie” (it will be the 3rd box from the left that has a movie reel above it).

Before you do that though make sure that you go to “Options” and in the tab marked “Input/Output Naming” you will see “Movie export”, in the 2 tabs beside that make sure that you select “.xml”  and “Export using WDTV Live HUB format”.

After you do that, then generate your Cover box (Coverart) and xml (nfo) and everything should work as advertised.

If you still have problems let me know and I’ll try to walk you through it.


If I understand your instructions correctly what you are suggesting is to only select the cover art (DVD/BRD thumbnail) and the xml file. This leaves out the actual background file that  see in your Astro Boy screen shot.

I have generated the xml and cover art file and get the movie details displayed properly and the cover art thumbnail but haven’t been successful in getting the background images to show. Is there a step I’m missing and what should the background images file name format be?

Thanks for your help, its truly appreciated.


Hello Doug…

Open your metadata xml with something like notepad ++ and read it

Can you see if there are any links to the backdrops ??

Also very silly question but i assume your hub is connected to the internet ?

Lastly what is your folder structure ? are all your movies in one folder or indidivual folders ??

if you have indidivual folders then the backdrops will only show when you enter the folder

As extremedigital said, you have to be connected to the internet.

Just to explain, the backdrops are not static, that is to say that they are not just one image.  But are rotating images, if you go to, then search for you movie and go to your movies page, you will see images at the bottom of that page.  These are the images that will appear as the backdrop because this where the HUB retreives the images from via the movies xml, they will not load from images on your drive.

Also, as extremedigital said, the backdrops will not load for folders, this is a bug that was introduced in the previous firmware (and has continued in the latest).  Hopefully this will be something that will be fixed in the next firmware release.


when i view my moviesheets then press play when the film starts the thumbnail in tghe bottom left corner is my moviesheet compressed,

can i change this to the blu ray cover instead?

also the name of the film has .mkv at the end,

can i change that?



Thanks for the continued feedback and assistance. I’ve opened the xml file and can only see the folling lines that may be the links you are refereing to: 

  Toy Story 3 - 2010.mkv

Is this correct? I’ve reviewed all the settings in Thumbgen and can’t seem to see any settings to enable or disable links to backdrops.

The HUB is connected to the internet.




Once again, this theme does not use Moviesheets, ONLY Cover boxes with reflections.  And I’m not sure what you are asking about anything being compressed.  If you are asking about the Cover art  that displays on the “Playbar” when you start a movie, then the Cover box (cover art) should display normally.

Yes, there is a Blu Ray Cover box template included in the download.  You need to use the included coverbox templates included in this download for everything to display correctly or make your own that Thumbgen will output as 185 X 349, becasue this is how this theme is designed.

If you are using the latest firmware, the from the movies xml is now displayed, so the files extension is no longer displayed.  Although, there are still some bugs in this, because it will first display the file name and extension then jump to the title.