httpPort = 8001 httpsPort = 4430 # HTTP listening port for reverse proxy to cloud services. Disabled if zero. cloudProxyPort = 8003 # Directory for data. If root access is available and davfs2 installed a mount of user data will be at /userRoots. dataDir = "/mnt/HD/HD_a2/restsdk-data" # Directory for device info. infoDataDir = "/mnt/HD/HD_a2/restsdk-info" # Config URL. Must be set if realCloud is true. configURL = "" # Whether to use the real cloud or a stub. # The stub will accept any oauth token, which becomes the user id. The token will have all scopes. # Will try and use a proxy at realCloud = true # Whether to use the real IPC notifier or a stub. realNotification = false # Whether to use the app manager over IPC or a stub. realApps = false # Whether to use Polarr to tag images or a stub # Only available on android realImageTagger = false # If root access is available and fuse is installed, a mount of user data will be at /userRoots. fuseMount = false # Whether to enable db recovery. recovery = false # the URL where to reach the nasAdmin component nasAdminAuthURL = "http://localhost" [logging] # One of "stdout", "syslog" (not available on android) or "wdlog". dest = "syslog" sideLog = false # Whether to turn on access logging for public and private logs accessPublicLog = false accessPrivateLog = false # Whether to turn on debug logging debug = false # Periodic statistics interval. 0 means disable periodic statistics generation. statsInterval = 43200 [auth] # Auth0 client id. Must be set if realCloud is true. #clientID = "p2HXUGM2gNj0v7ySLPTr91bWXQdaYGDF" # Auth0 client secret. Must be set if realCloud is true. #clientSecret = "Fto-tk7ksSfZaj2JXsPaEAUKYtovx2Y3fOPvIFhgtoMlZZdzyW35Qwocd5irj3Un" # M2M client id m2mClientID = "rsdk" # M2M client secret m2mClientSecret = "7ZiFXM)69mjm%ae@BgJ@CzJmCoy6k^L7" # New Relics configuration # newRelicKey = "3bd03541b9d038d90b56d8784304eab3d4844068" # newRelicEnv = "dev1" [crypto] email = "" # One of "selfSigned", "staging" or "prod" env = "prod"