#! Twonky ini file / charset UTF-8 #! Change settings by commandline or by editing this file #! Do not add space characters before or after equal sign! [main] # Visible name in the network friendlyname=%HOSTNAME%: twonky server 8.5 # Comma separated list of IP addresses to bind to (optionally can include a netmask e.g.| will match address range 192.168.3.x). Default: blank = all networks - only works with ipv4 addresses ip= # Watch changes in machine's network conf (1: yes, 0: no) nicrestart=0 # Verbose level for logging v=4095 # Compile platform platform=WD_MyCloud_02.xx.xx_armel_gcc464_eabi_soft_64k # Port of the http server httpport=9000 # TTL for SSDP packets. Default: 4 ssdpttl=4 # Timeout for theSSDP heartbeat thread. Default: 100 ms ssdpheartbeattimeout=10000 # clear detected clients table on each restart clearclientsonrestart=0 # disable SSDP on localhost disablelocalssdp=1 # enable https remote connections enabletls=0 # Port of the https server (requires TLS to be enabled) httpsport=9443 # Log level (0:debug, 1:trace, 2:info, 3:warning, 4:error, 5:critical) vlevel=4 # Stack size in bytes per thread on Linux. Default: 196608 stack_size=196608 # 2 letter language setting (en,de,...) language=en # AppID unique ID for TSDK based application, stored inside DTCP secure contents appid= # enable NMC Queue Handler Device (0: off, 1: on) enablequeuehandlerdevice=0 # enable NMC Web API (0: off, 1: on, 2: local access only) enablenmcwebapi=1 # follow symbolic links while scanning (Linux only) followlinks=0 # flush log messages flushlogmsg=1 # Comma separated list of IP addresses to explictly exclude (optionally can include a netmask e.g.| will match address range 192.168.3.x) ignoreip= # media type filter for non local clients, values are: A (all,default) | M | P | V | m | p | v | X (non) mediatypefilter=A # Port number for the SSDP heartbeat. Default: 1900 ssdpheartbeatport=1900 # for Linux/NAS systems this is the basedirectory used for content sharing (prepended to all shares) contentbase=/shares # Specifies a comma separated list of network interfaces to bind to (example eth0,ra0 etc). Check ifconfig -a to get list of interfaces iface= # Specifies a comma separated list of interface names to ignore ignoreiface=VPN # Maximum number of cuncurently running threads (in thread pool); 0- no limit maxthreads=0 # Expire peristent devices inactive for more than this period (in days) (0 to suppress expiry) pdbexpiretime=14 # directory for cached/transcoded files cachedir=/mnt/HD/HD_a2/.twonkymedia/db/cache # Soft limit to control the size of cached/transcoded media files stored on the disk (20MB min recommended) (0:disabled (default)) cachemaxsize= # Maximum allowed time (in hours) for MAC address to be stored in cache,0-disable MAC caching maccacheleasetime=24 # Enables Friendly Info Update Service for dynamic friendlyname and icon update. enablefriendlyinfoupdate= # Enables deprecated web interfaces /json/feed and /rss. Application developers should use /nmc/rss and /nmc/rss?fmt=json instead enabledeprecatedjsonandrssfeed= # Multiuser: enable/disable support multiusersupportenabled=0 # Multiuser: predefined default-users (username:password:roles) multiusersupportdefaults= # Multiuser: default-user for client-devices multiusersupportdefaultuser= # Multiuser: default-role for locations multiusersupportdefaultrole= # Disable string pool cache disablestringpoolcache= # limit device description responses to particular user agent only limit_devdesc_responses_ua= # limit device description responses to particular IP address limit_devdesc_responses_ip= # use HTTP Digest-Auth http_use_digest_auth=0 # Directory to store provisioned keypack in keypackpath= # Receiver Application ID for Google Chromecast devices. Default: D9F910C3 chromecast_receiver_app_id= # Do not truncate and rotate the log file disablelogrotate=0 # XML escape JSON feeds for Web UI escape_json=1 # enable IPv6 support ipv6support=0 # Enable UDA 2.0 support enable_uda20=0 # Set the SSDP heart beat period parameter (default = 1810, OK = 3620) ssdp_beat_time=3620 # Set the SSDP multicast port ssdp_multicast_port=1900 # Enable multihome support (multiple interfaces in same network) enable_multihome=0 # number of provisioned keypacks for clients to fetch keypacknumber=0 # Defines a value in [1-9] (0 = disabled) to serve variants of the ui resources (e.g. index-1.html) webuiskin=0 # Use smartlynx staging-server instead of production smartlynx_staging=0 # If set, the server local IP is not reported to backend and forwarding is broken disable_ip_reporting=0 # scheme for UDN creation, stored after inital UUID creating (DO NOT MODIFY to keep UUID persistence) udn_scheme=uuid:54776f6e-6b79-1d65-a4cf-0090a9f33b49 # fix mimetypes for .dsd .dsf and .dff files x_dsf_mimetypes=0 # Presentation URL of device presentation_url= # Set to non-zero to disable persistent connections, zero (default) to use them no_persist_conn=0 # Initial interval in s between MSearches. 0 to use normal interval. Default: 3 msearch_start_interval=3 # Interval in s between MSearches. 0 to disable. Default: 0 msearch_interval=0 # Poll interval for DMR state changes of broken renderers in s. -1 to disable. Default: 5 dmr_state_poll_interval=5 # Client cache size limit. Default: 1048576 client_cache_size_limit=1048576 # MAX QUEUE SIZE. Default: -1 max_queue_size=-1 # Interval to poll RCS for devices which not sending events properly. Default: 30sec rcs_poll_interval=30 # Location of the thumbnail cache. Default: tncache thumbnail_cache_dir=tncache # Storage type (Memory / Disk) to use for thumbnail cache. Default: M thumbnail_cache_storage_type=M # Maximum size to be used for the thumbnail cache size in bytes. Default: 1048576 thumbnail_cache_size=1048576 # Number of thumbnail cache threads. Default: 1 thumbnail_max_threads=1 # Auto enable new detected control points. Default: 1 cpautoenable=1 # Set to 1 to disable both Airplay & Chromecast DMR plugins, 2 to disable Roku DMR plugin, 3 to disable all plugins. Default: 0 (all enabled) disable_dmr_plugins=0 # for protection of the web config pages accessuser= # for protection of the web config pages accesspwd= # auto enable new detected clients clientautoenable=1 # default codepage used for ASCII to UTF-8 conversions, supported: 0 (Latin1, use for European Countries), 932 (Shift-JIS, use for Japanese), 936 (GB2312, use for Simplified Chinese), 949 (EUC-KR, use for Korean), 950 (BIG5, use for Traditional Chinese) codepage=1250 # music files under this directory are handled as part of a compilation compilationsdir=Compilations,Sampler # CSV list of all shares, prepended by the type (A,M,P,V) and a '+' or '-' sign to flag enabled or disabled shares contentdir=+A|/Media # directory where metadata database is stored dbdir=/mnt/HD/HD_a2/.twonkymedia/db # dynamic dns prefix for remote access, including http:// dyndns= # access to web config pages, 0 for denied, 1 for local only, 2 for open enableweb=2 # disable access to web ui, 0 enabled, 1 disabled disablewebui=0 # http server port for remote access httpremoteport= # ignore this directory for scanning (can be a comma separated list) ignoredir=AppleDouble,AppleDB,AppleDesktop,TemporaryItems,.fseventsd,.Spotlight-V100,.Trashes,.Trash,RECYCLED,RECYCLER,RECYCLE.BIN,Software,_WDPROT,.wdmc,.wdphotos,Backups.backupdb # full path to the iTunes library .xml file, empty to disable iTunes import ituneslib= # -1 for evented, 0 for disabled, positive value for rescan time in minutes scantime=-1 # buffer size in bytes used for streaming streambuffer=4194304 # enable content upload uploadenabled=1 # directory where uploaded songs are stored, if not specified server will use default name based on servermanagedmusicdir property uploadmusicdir=/shares/Public/Shared Music # directory where uploaded pictures are stored, if not specified server will use default name based on servermanagedpicturedir property uploadpicturedir=/shares/Public/Shared Pictures # directory where uploaded videos are stored, if not specified server will use default name based on servermanagedvideodir property uploadvideodir=/shares/Public/Shared Videos # directory where server store mirrored songs, if not specified server will use default name based on servermanagedmusicdir property mirroredmusicdir= # directory where server store mirrored photos, if not specified server will use default name based on servermanagedpicturedir property mirroredpicturedir= # directory where server mirrored videos, if not specified server will use default name based on servermanagedvideodir property mirroredvideodir= # default location where server managed music folders are stored, like uploaded and mirrored songs, subfolder names are created based on strings from language files servermanagedmusicdir=/shares/Public/Shared Music # default location where server managed picture folders are stored, like uploaded and mirrored photos, subfolder names are created based on strings from language files servermanagedpicturedir=/shares/Public/Shared Pictures # default location where server managed video folders are stored, like uploaded and mirrored videos, subfolder names are created based on strings from language files servermanagedvideodir=/shares/Public/Shared Videos # default view for clients defaultview=advanceddefault # removable media drives rmdrives= # maximum items that the server will share maxitems=0 # enable aggregation of other DLNA servers aggregation=0 # default aggregation mode for new discovered servers (0:ignore, 1: aggregate, 2:mirror) aggmode=0 secure_folder_path=/var/twonky/Secure # maximum number of DTCP sessions running at one time dtcpsessionlimit=8 # Absolute path to file with DTCP session count dtcpsessioncount= # The friendly name for upload location in a recording server uploaddestinationfriendlyname=UploadDestination # comma separated list of DLNA profiles that shall only be accepted on upload uploadrestrictedprofiles= # maximum number of simultaneous CreateObject sessions, set 0 or negative for unlimited upnpuploadlimit=0 # set to 1 to prevent server entering sleep mode disablesleepmode=0 # comma separated list of maximum uploaded file size in megabytes for Photo, Music and Video contents, set 0 for unlimited uploadmaxfilesize=0,0,0 # maximum number of sessions (upload/download/streaming) running at one time httpsessionlimit= # clear the cache on each restart of the server clearcacheonrestart= # specifies the maximum image size in pixels the scaler can handle scalermaxpixels= # minimum interval between two consecutive recordings (in seconds) hdrlnextreadyvalue=180 # enable non-keyframe mode for generating time-seek-table enablenonkeyframetstgen=0 # specify additional folder where server looks for .import.items files importdir= # set to 1 to include the folder name of the shares in the 'By Folder' navigation includefolder=0 # bitfield to enable/disable content discovery methods (1=Shared Folder Enumeration, 2=File System Events, 4=Import Items File) contentdiscoverymode=7 # set to 1 to disable time seek generation (default) disabletimeseek=0 # directory for albumart files albumartdir= # File System Eventing Test Required (1:Yes, 0:No) fseventingtest=0 # set to 1 to disable duplicate removal algorithm disableduplicateremoval=1 # content folder will be ignored if it contains any files in this list ignoredirwithfile=.nomedia,.ignorethis # Force a database update at startup (skipped by default with scantime=0) forceinitialscan=0 # username for protection of accessing classified videos classifiedaccessuser= # password for protection of accessing classified videos classifiedaccesspwd= # The TwonkyTuner's network host adress twonkytuner_host=localhost # The TwonkyTuner's http port twonkytuner_port= # Set .import files polling interval in seconds (default=60) importscantime= # set to 1 to limit transcoding processes to one per client IP address limittranscodingperclient=0 # disable scaling of JPEG images encoded with progressive mode disablepmscaling=0 # Timeout for file scanner watchdog thread (-1 to disable). Default: 250ms scannerwatchdogtimeout= # Timeout for file scanner notify thread (-1 to disable). Default: 250ms scannernotifychecktimeout= # Timeout for DB notify check timeout (-1 to disable). Default: 250ms dbnotifychecktimeout= # Timeout for checking shutdown signal in threads: Default: 100ms shutdownchecktimeout= # Comma separated list of paths to ignore. All content under these paths will be ignored ignoredirsbeginningwith= # Disable the .unsupported marker for failed transcoding attempts disableunsupportedmarker=0 # If this set to 1 server will work only on localhost until file scanner ready delaynetwork=0 # If this set to 1 server will provide DTCP content only to clients with DT flag in client adaptation disabledtcp=0 # If this set to 1 server will not use only MPEG-TS and MP4 but all content-formats for DTCP. If toggled REBUILD is needed to update DLNA profiles of MPEG files. dtcp_use_all_content=1 # If this set to 1 server will not share WM DRM protected files. donotscandrm=0 # When total amount of memory used exceeds this value then no additional contents will be shared memsharinglimit=0 # Specify location of FUN files. Setting this property enables FUN files scanning. fun_file_location= # Specify FUN files scan interval in seconds, -1 to use file events fun_scaninterval=0 # Always share the servermanaged/upload directories - if set to 0 the upload directories need to be located within another active share autoshare_upload_dirs=1 # Ignore embedded thumbnails when selecting the input for picture scaling (1 ignore them, 0 use them - default) ignore_embedded_thumbnails=0 # Boolean. If set to 1, RPC commands from localhost are executed without checking accessuser/accesspwd ignore_credentials_on_localhost= # Comma separated list of file extentions to ignore; each extension needs to include the extension seperator (.) ignorefilebyext= # disable token check for streaming URLs in multiuser disable_token_check=0 # All items under this path will be presented as broadcast content (internal test purpose) live_streaming_path= # Enable byfolder subtrees to show filenames instead of titles (0 show titles - default, 1 show filenames without extension, 2 show filenames with extension) usefilenameinfolderview=0 # Comma separated list of location pathnames, that contain audiobook. audiobooklocations= # Comma separated list of case insensitive strings, that are used as genre for audiobook audiobookgenres=Audiobook # Album art is delivered in original size (0) or scaled to 160x160 (1) forcealbumartscaling=0 # minimum interval between two consecutive move copy (in seconds) hdrlnextmovecopyvalue=10 # Boolean. Enables sending update events every 15 seconds while scanning is in progress, or only once after scanning has finished (0 - default) updateeventswhilescanning=0 # Set the required minimum resolution for pictures (width,height e.g. 256,256). Only pictures with both sides greater or equal to this parameter will be shown. minimum_picture_resolution=256,256 # Scale down large pictures to this maximum resolution (width,height e.g. 1920,1080). If one dimemsion is bigger than the required maximum, down scaling takes places, but client specific scaling settings are never overwritten. maximum_picture_resolution= # Indicates whether initial setup is completed or not initialsetupdone=1 # Uses the filename for the title if the title from the metadata contains non-UTF8 encoding title_from_filename_for_non_utf8=0 # Twonky Server annonces both DMS and M-DMS device classes announce_mdms_device_class=1 # if possible, use the albumartist metadata to fill the artist tag force_albumartist=0 # Generate picture thumbnails in a background process when server is idle (enabled by default) bg_picture_thumb=1 # If set, show music files on CD at Music/CD instead of Music/By Folder cdhome= # Enable Music/By Format navigation musicbyformat=1 # Enable scan of compilation flag (TCMP or COMPILATION) within audio files scan_compilation_flag=1