You tube Issue " no content avilable "

I have made this new post as I dont have a reboot issue and the issue i have with you tube is that when I got this unit for xmas you tube and everything worked great and now you tube just says “no content available” with or without a account. I have reinstalled win7 in the last few days and do not have a firewall on in win7 or the router.

Any help would be great as i have not seen this issue in any of the you tube reboot threads unless i missed it.


Having the same issues… Is there any new release nearby to fix this?

You have to reboot the machine to get You Tube working again. Just turn WD TV off and on again.

Happens to me all the time. Another firmware issue. Let see if they will fix it.

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This needs to be a sticky.  I’m going to try to flag this as a solution.



shornby wrote:

This needs to be a sticky.  I’m going to try to flag this as a solution.





Its the solution to most problems on the WDTV LIve together with resetting to factory defaults.