Wordpress Fatal error

As  Cybernut1 mentioned the way to get the increased memory from the /etc/php/php-fpm.conf to stick without a reboot and a reset is to kill off and restart the http daemon process.

To do this:

  • SSH into your WD-EX4 - im sure there are loads of tutorials on this topic i wont go into it here.

  • if you haven’t already altered the /etc/php/php-fpm.conf file do so now as mentioned above -

    vi /etc/php/php-fpm.conf

 is one way but a SFTP app with an editor is a much easier way for some.

  • you can see the processes running on the system by typing _ top _ and hit _ q _ to exit back to the prompt. (not needed just a point)

  • now to kill off the http deamon and therefor killing php type killall httpd  - this will stop the Apache server

  • give it a second or so then type in _ httpd _  from the prompt # - this will then restart the http process, it will take another 5 seconds for it to in turn fire the php-fpm processes off.  You can watch this happen again with top  

This will reload the php instating the new config memory limit as i have done on the wordpress 3.9.1 install i have put together, of course after a reboot this work will all be un-done so im looking into trying to write a shell script to alter the php file and also reboot the httpd process as needed on reboot like a cron job or rc.d or something.

All commands (copy and past them all of just use the lines without the sleep lines) - similar to the shell script needed.

killall httpd
sleep 5
sleep 2

Here’s my php memory as Wpress sees it (WP System Health Plugin) obviously i went a bit silly with 1gig since its only got stone age 512Mb :wink:

Server Software lighttpd/1.4.33
PHP Version 5.4.16
MySQL Server 5.1.56
Memory Limit 1 GB

I hope that helps someone out I know its really a temporary fix and like the rest of us I wish WD had of spent more time on research here hopefully they will let us dev’s at it with a good API to fix up some issues but for now all I can do is wait and mutter!

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