Won't reconnect automatically to Mac after reboot

I have a 4tb Elements drive. Connecting to M3 IMac. I also have 2 Samsung T7 drives and they connect perfectly direct USB and through hub. All drives are formatted AFPS encrypted.

This drive has a proprietary cable, so can’t be connected to my Mac which only has USB C/Thunderbolt, so I am connecting via a CalDigit USB hub that has both Thunderbolt and USB 2 as needed for the Elements drive.

Normal operation is perfect. I really only use the WD to backup the Samsung T7s with the Rsync command, and everything works as expected.

The CalDigit connects the WD and one of the T7s.

When I reboot, the encryption password window pops up for the T7s, I enter it and they connect. The window does not pop up for the WD. The power light turns on the WD, I can feel it spinning, but is never is recognized by the Mac. I have to unplug the USB cable and reconnect after every reboot, and then the encryption pw window pops up and it works normally until the next reboot.

Very annoying to have to have to unplug and reconnect every reboot. Any ideas what is wrong?


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