WinXP Windows Media Player 11 as a media server?


I got the WD TV Live (fw 1.01.11) up and running, it connects to a WinXP PC by normal shares on the PC.

I have tried to connect to the same WinXP PC by using the Windows Media Player 11 media share function, but without any luck.

Windows Media Player is able to “see” the WDTVLIVE media player device on the network, and I have given permission to share media to the WD TV Live.


the WD TV Live is unable to “see” the Windows Media Player WinXP PC as a Media Server. Any ideas what I am doing wrong?

The WinXP PC is a clean install, no firewall or anti-virus of any kind, fully patched.



Have you search the rest of the forum about this? I’d give it a try. Or, have you tried contacting WD’s Technical Support about this? I would consider giving them a call or sending them an email.

To Contact WD for Technical Support