Windows 7 Using Windows Backup Get Access Denied Failure


I just set up my new My Book Live 1T on the network with a share for backing up my Windows 7 Pro laptop. I want to use Windows Backup, but everytime I try, it fails with the message Access Denied. I have tried the ‘Everyone’ username and also created a share with a separate username and tried that.

What else can I try?

Try using the same UserID and Password on the MBL as you have defined on the Windows client.

Windows Backup works for me on my MBL if (And only if) I set a private share with a password as the destination for the backup, try it out.


That’s actually how I finally got it to work.

Thanks for the hint ,Windows Backup works for me on my MBL if (And only if) I set a private share with a password as the destination for the backup, try it out.

It worked great backup is running now.

Any time :smiley: