Windows 10 1909 issues using wd quick view

I recently upgraded my pc to windows 10 1909 and after installing quick view , it looks the start button on windows 10. Has anyone else experienced this issue?

I double checked quikview awas the culprit by reinstalling and e experiencing the same issue.

In addition quickview initially populated all internal pc drives and showed them as Thunderbolt drives. It then froze, after ending it in task manager nas drives where shown but no r/c ability on them along with frozen start button, Cortana and search bar.

As older my cloud devices had shut down removed, the only way to shut down is via quickview. My pr4100 can be shutdown from web console, but my other 3 older my cloud now cant and pulling power cable out will not be best practice and likely to damage them.

The app behaves until you try and right click to use it, where it then sticks on screen and freezes windows start button.

Will WD update the app to make it compatible with win 10 1909?
Or does anyone have a workaround to quickview issues or inability to now shutdown my cloud devices?

Thanks for any help.

I noticed if smartware uninstalled but quick view left, it can be used, but still has issues.

I also noticed wd synch, and smartware backup software do not function properly, so have uninstalled these.

If anyone from WD views, please advise if an updated version that works will be available at some point.