Win7 cannot reconize two "My Passpot Essential 1TB USB3.0" at the same time

I have bought a second 1TB WD 2.5" My Passport Essential USB3.0

When connected to my laptop Win 7, File Explorer does not show any new drive.

When clicking into Computer Management → Storage → Disk Management:

It appears as Disk 2 but no drive letter can be assigned.

There is a remark saying that “The disk is Offline because it has signature collision with another drive that is online”

Another disk here means Disk 1, the existing WD external drive which is the same model as Disk 2.

Any one has idea on how to fix it?


It’s a quirk of windows and is easy to fix…

Have a look at this…

It’s the same for USB 2 and 3 and any type of disk … you may have probs if you have more than one of one type/size. 

It is quite easy to do and doesn’t take long.


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Hi there,

Thank you very much on the advise.

I have just fixed and got a drive letter.