Why does the info bar show up after pause?

at the bottom of this post of mine will remove pretty much everything *instruction provided how to upload*


To explain how the video_run.xml works ...

Subtitle / Audio info (displayed at the top left of screen)

Dark Diffuse Overlay Png Graphic

Info Bar Background Graphic

Movie / Tv Thumbnail Image

Name of the file playing

Info Bar including the Progress ball Graphic

Play, Rew, FF Graphic

Current Time and Duration Text

x2 x4 x8 x16 Text

Star and Heart Graphics

Delete whatever you don't want to display.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<button valkey="CLOSE"/>
<button valkey="SKIP_TIME"/>
<wrapper disable="@@disable_subtitle_audio_info">
<image image="image/video_playback_subtitle_info_bg.png" x="70" y="36" w="310" h="83"/>
<text text="@@subtitle_info" x="87" y="53" w="276" h="22" fontsize="20" textcolor="0xffffff" align="left" speed="1" delay="2"/>
<text text="@@audio_info" x="87" y="83" w="276" h="22" fontsize="20" textcolor="0xffffff" align="left" speed="1" delay="2"/>

<!-- information time info -->

<wrapper disable="@@disable_time_info">
<image image="@@video_time_info_area" x="0" y="0" w="1280" h="720" bg="1"/>
<image image="image/video_playing_bar_bg.png" x="70" y="644" w="1141" h="50"/>
<image image="@@file_album" default_image="@@default_thumbnail" x="70" y="494" w="100" h="139" scale="100"/>
<text text="@@filename" x="184" y="555" w="740" h="48" fontsize="44" textcolor="0xffffff" speed="1" delay="2" align="left" auto_translate="1"/>

<image image="@@file_rating" x="186" y="609" w="124" h="21"/>
<image image="@@file_favorite" x="324" y="609" w="23" h="21"/>
<image image="@@speed_state" x="89" y="658" w="30" h="23"/>
<text text="@@speed_value" x="120" y="657" w="33" h="22" fontsize="20" align="left"/>

<progress_bar name="video_time_bar" x="162" y="662" w="832" h="14" pb_back_img="image/video_playback_playing_progress_bar_bg.png" pb_front_img="image/video_playback_playing_progress_bar.png" pb_point_img="image/playing_progress_bar_point.png" pb_delay="500"/>

<text text="@@current_time" x="999" y="661" w="103" h="22" fontsize="20" align="right"/>
<text text="@@duration_time" x="1108" y="661" w="96" h="22" fontsize="20" align="left"/>

<text x="941" y="564" w="260" h="32" text="$$Close" align="right"
fontsize="30" textcolor="0xc1c1c1" active="@@act-CLOSE" selected="sel-CLOSE"
actnoseltextcolor="0x07b5ff" activetextcolor="0x07b5ff" disable="@@disable-CLOSE"/>
<text x="701" y="606" w="500" h="32" text="$$Enter Desired Time" align="right"
fontsize="30" textcolor="0xc1c1c1" active="@@act-SKIP_TIME" selected="sel-SKIP_TIME"
actnoseltextcolor="0x07b5ff" activetextcolor="0x07b5ff" disable="@@disable-SKIP_TIME"/>

<image image="@@shufle-ico" x="1234" y="599" w="48" h="36"/>
<image image="@@wrongkeyicon" x="563" y="282" w="154" h="155" align="hcenter" />
<image image="@@keyicon" x="1063" y="71" w="65" h="45" align="hcenter" />
<text text="@@info_now_playing" x="65" y="18" w="243" h="31" fontsize="26"/>
<include filename="./ipcam_pip_win.xml" />
<text text="@@mod_txt" x="162" y="186" w="958" h="34" fontsize="30" textcolor="0xffffff" align="hcenter" auto_translate="1"/>
<text x="450" y="160" w="372" h="26" text="@@text-OPTION" fontsize="24" textcolor="0x07b5ff" align="hcenter" disable="@@disable-text-options"/>
<image image="@@mod_img" x="1063" y="71" w="107" h="107"/>

<image image="@@info_mute_icon" x="1162" y="49" w="48" h="48"/>

Whenever you edit an XML ... you need to zip it at "Root" level and include a meta.xml (you'll find one in the above link) using NO Compression (or "Store" option in your zip program)

Then follow the instructions in the link above how to upload it.