Why do my movie sheets take so long to show?

Could my issues be attributed to using version 3.11.01?  

No, I doubt it. 

I have laid out a couple of things for you to try step by step and let us know what happens so we can give you a hand. Have you done that and if so what was the results. Hard to help troubleshoot without knowing what you have tried so far.

From my last post, read through the steps, do the small test and report back what happens. I am sure it is solveable if we can get the right info.


I tried a little earlier, but didnt have any luck.  I will take some screenshots tomorrow if I have time.  



Well I followed your directions and feel like i’m really close, but its still not working.  So this might make me feel really stupid, but I will be really happy if its just that easy.  I googled a few things about linksheets and came upon a thread called “Linksheets for Idiots” and since thats kind of how i’m feeling I took a look.  It says that I need to go somewhere and turn the linksheets “on”.  I didnt read to far into it and i’m not sure if that applies to what i’m doing, but if my problem lies with something simple like that please let me know.  If thats not the case then I will upload some screenshots tomorrow.  The link i’m refering to is  http://forum.wdlxtv.com/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=2079

No that’s not it. That thread (and forum) is for B-Rad’s homebrew Firmware. You are using the stock FW for your HUB.

Same questions my friend. When you go through the thumbgen process, you should be getting a jpg with your moviename in the same directory as the movie, and one in the directory above. The one in the movie’s direcotry is the DVD cover. The one that is in the directory aboce (folder) is the linksheet. Flat out: Are you getting those two files and when you open them do they look like a DVD cover and a Linksheet?

Answer that and then we’ll proceed to the next step. That will tell us if you have Thumbgen setup and working properly


These photos were taken with my phone so I apologize for the quality.  Hopefully this should make my issues a bit more obvious.

 I made an Action genre folder and put the movie folders inside of the genre folder.


I made my sheet and cover using TG, left the cover with the movie (seen in image below), changed the sheet name to match the movie exactly and moved it one folder up into the genre folder.  (As seen above)


I copied the sheet and moved it to the themes root as seen in the image below.


Genre folders


Movie folders inside the genre folders.  Not sure your supposed to see the sheets, but i’m pretty sure thats where one of my problems are.


Inside the movie folder this is what I see.


TG profile with the GBBM bundle installed.

TG options




Okay, we cannot see the photos yet, but you have got some good info that should be helpful when we see them. One thought before the pictures get cleared is that you should not have to move the linksheet to one folder above the movie. Thumbgen should be doing that by default. You also would not want to keep a copy there. That shoudl be moved to the root of the theme.

When the photos pop, they’ll be some good info an hopefuly we can get this cleaned up for you


So, now that we can see the pictures, I see a bunch of stuff that you need to change.

First off, although you can do it, this will be a lot easier if you just have the movies in the genre directories without those subfolders.

Notice in first picture below, I have my genres, and then inside them I have my movies. It’s a very simple setup. You will notice that with each movie, I have the cover which is the associated jpeg. I do not have subfolders for each movie.

In Thumbgen, you have a lot of stuff going on that you don’t nescessarily need. There are several ways to do this, so I am just showing how I have it setup. There are many folks here that know Thumbgen much better than I do, so hopefuly my explanation is correct. What I do know though is it works for me, and hopefuly for you as well.

Here is what I have setup in the “general section”. This is making the Linksheet, and the cover. You seem to have a lot of additional stuff being created. If you want TGMD (metadata files) created, you can keep the “Main/Extra movie sheet metadata” box checked. I do use that as well but for simplicity of this example I have excluded that option. You want “main movie sheet” and “extra movie sheet”. Check the same boxes as in my example and uncheck the rest.

Here is how I have the “Input/Output Naming” setup. Pay close attention to two of the lines, “Main Moviesheet” and “Extra Moviesheet”. There are other paths that are listed, but since we are not using those files by unchecking the boxes, those files are not being generated.

Main Moviesheet = $M..$N

Extra Moviesheet - $M$N

This will create the cover in the directory that the movie is in, and the Linksheet one directory back.

Once you have this setup as above, I think you should be able to get this done. Just rename the linksheet to that is now being created one folder up to the same name and extension as the movie, and put it in the theme root on your HUB. In the example above of my file structure, the linksheet would be created in the root of the movie folder, where you see the genre folders.

Give this a try and let us know how it works. 


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Worked like a charm!  I couldn’t have done it without you Pearl!  

DTv10101011 wrote:

Worked like a charm!  I couldn’t have done it without you Pearl!  

Sweet! Glad to hear it. 3 weeks and 29 posts to get there, but now you are rolling with linksheets on GBBM.

Now you get to enjoy the process of making the sheets for all your movies and tv series :laughing:


Have you had any issues with the moviesheets not showing up or problems with the cover jpg?  Everything was going very smooth the first time, but now i’m having other problems.  At first it looked like the files didnt have matching names, but once i cut and pasted them to a different genre folder they would show up perfectly.  So i pasted them back and renamed them all something different (Ted.mkv → Ted.dvd.mkv) and got them working that way.  I’d hate to keep running into this problem, but I think I remade some moviesheets and some other file from the original sheet is messing them up.  Not sure…just a guess.  Any thoughts?

DTv10101011 wrote:

Have you had any issues with the moviesheets not showing up or problems with the cover jpg?  Everything was going very smooth the first time, but now i’m having other problems.  At first it looked like the files didnt have matching names, but once i cut and pasted them to a different genre folder they would show up perfectly.  So i pasted them back and renamed them all something different (Ted.mkv → Ted.dvd.mkv) and got them working that way.  I’d hate to keep running into this problem, but I think I remade some moviesheets and some other file from the original sheet is messing them up.  Not sure…just a guess.  Any thoughts?



I’ve seen this issue

however the # of times it’s happened is so small that, I’ve never looked into it

maybe 5 times out of 1000 sheets and many many multiple times I’ve completely redone my sheets

in my case

Test sheet


gets trunkated/corrupted to 0 bytes

overwriting a new copy of the file also results in 0 bytes

however, change name to batman.temp.mkv or anyting different from original on PC

then copy of network

once copied to WD

change name to batman.mkv and the file remains uncorrupted

in my case these files are located inside a hidden folder .MSHEETDIR on a thumbdrive

and media library is off on my SMP