Which Power Supply for G-Drive 0G05666

Went to the G-Tech Power Supply Specifications Page. Problem is, I don’t know if my drive
is a G-Drive, G-Drive Gen4, G-Drive Mini, or G-Drive Mini Gen4, so I don’t know which power supply is compatible. The drive part number is 0G05666.

If you could tell me the correct power supply part number for this model and how to order this online, I’d be grateful. Thank you!

From the part number you have supplied, you have a G-DRIVE USB-C …if you’re in NA, then look at this power supply, your product is mentioned in the description :

Ade, thanks for this information. On review of this link you’ve provided, this item is currently out of stock. Can you direct me to a way to order this? Perhaps provide the specifications and/or if needed, and aftermarket/3rd party supplier?

Hmm most people seem to say out of stock…

A NA Reseller I like says 7 - 10 days … might be worth chatting with them :


Is your just failed ? Might be worth just calling the G-Tech Support CallCenter and asking it to be replaced under Warranty.

I’m sure they will have stock, when I was there, my lab was full of power supplies! Part number 0G05965 …or call the CallCenter anyway, ask for Brandon, and ask him where you can get one! … He’ll hate me for that … lol