Which AC adapters can I use with the WDBFJK0020HBK?

It says DC in 12V. Does that mean I can use my 12V 1A adapter with it? I have multiple adapters lying around and don’t know which the right one is. I couldn’t find information on that in the manual. Also, I’d like to know how the original adapter for this drive looks like and what its specifications are.

Not likely. That’s only 12 Watts. I think the minimum for the single drive units is 18W. Polarity matters.

Find your unit on here. Then you can search for a replacement on Amazon (or other sites), then compare specs to your stash and see if you have one that will work. If not, order one.

Why should I find my unit there first before searching for a replacement?

Actually, I found an adapter online that is 12 Watts for my drive.

I don’t see polarity being specified on my drive, but at least the one on my adapter matches with that of the adapter I see online.

Also, I see they both have a long line with 3 short lines underneath.

Do you think it’s safe to use my AC adapter with that drive given the information I provided?