Now version is 7.16.0-220.
Firmware 8.5.1-102 Release at 5/23/2022.
I reboot the system every day, hoping that the firmware will be pushed over.
Now version is 7.16.0-220.
Firmware 8.5.1-102 Release at 5/23/2022.
I reboot the system every day, hoping that the firmware will be pushed over.
Same for my device. The actual firmware is 7.16.0-220.
I am also waiting for this firmware update to be pushed on my device. I do not know how much I have to wait for this.
Mine is updated to 8.5.1-102. (In Denmark)
How to trigger the update action? Need reboot device?
Bei mir das gleiche. Die aktuelle Softwareversion ist 7.16.0-220
Why would you want firmware that will remove the public folder? I have the firmware and that is what happened to me. No way to access my photos and videos saved on the device. Until they can resolve issues like mine i doubt they will continue to roll it out.
v7 is Android OS, v8 is Linux. I think V8 is should better than V7.
I can’t access my files after the new update.
software version: 8.5.1-102
Please urgent support
Three weeks have passed, still 7.
I don’t know what the WD update strategy is.
Jun.16th, still no update on My Cloud Home 4TB in China, stuck at 7.16.0-220 …
Good afternoon!!! For more than a month now, the firmware update has not come to my wd my cloud home 4tb. At the moment, firmware 7.16.0-220. When can I get Firmware 8.6.1-100?
Unfortunately, rebooting and replacing the Internet does not help… A new firmware has not come to my device for more than a month… Can you force a new firmware to it on your part? The device is always online! Thank you!
The same situation.
Has anyone been able to update to the latest firmware? Email support is avoiding my question on updating and keeps giving me a runaround. This is probably the last time I’m buying My Cloud Home!
No, I never came! They offer to send them log logs and write a diagram and poppy address of the device))) I wonder why the update selectively comes?)
I studied the logs of updating my device a little… I found out that the desired update port is being blocked… Apparently depends on the provider and the country? Amazon where the wd server is located blocks ((
2022-06-29T17:54:05+03:00 ci=… error OTA_SERVICE: {“stack”:“Error: connect ETIMEDOUT\n at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (net.js:1113:14)”,“message”:“connect ETIMEDOUT”,“errno”:“ETIMEDOUT”,“code”:“ETIMEDOUT”,“syscall”:“connect”,“address”:“”,“port”:443,“CorrelationId”:“…”,“isConnectionError”:true,“RequestInfo”:{“url”:“…”,“method”:“POST”}}
2022-06-29T17:54:05+03:00 ci=… error 455 in Portal: {“stack”:“Error: connect ETIMEDOUT\n at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (net.js:1113:14)”,“message”:“connect ETIMEDOUT”,“errno”:“ETIMEDOUT”,“code”:“ETIMEDOUT”,“syscall”:“connect”,“address”:“”,“port”:443,“CorrelationId”:“…”,“isConnectionError”:true,“RequestInfo”:{“url”:“…”,“method”:“POST”}}
No, it’s not a port in a router. This blocks the Amazon where the wd server is located
Here is the response when queried in the console
< HTTP/2 403
< content-type: application/json
< content-length: 23
< date: Thu, 30 Jun 2022 07:41:04 GMT
< x-amzn-requestid: 6d2d74b4-0d28-4163-b3a9-4d675cdf94fc
< x-amzn-errortype: ForbiddenException
< x-amz-apigw-id: Uhn-jHEZvHcF-cA=
< x-cache: Error from cloudfront
You can go to the yourself via the web
I have an answer - Access denied
Vpn результата не даёт прошивка не обновляется судя по логам вд делает запрос каждые 6 часов но в ответ сервер не даёт прошивку !)
The same situation. Can`t update firmware. Cant reinstall Plex after hard reset. Lost a lot of files because drive was always offline. I hate WD!