When does a deleted file also be deleted on the WD My Clode Mirror?


WD Smart Ware Pro do a continues copy of my My Laptop to WDMyCloudMirror.

When I by purpose erase files on my Laptop the files are still there on the WDMyCloudMirror at

\\SmartWare\WD SmartWare.swstor\HP14\Volume.42f726c5.7e94.11e3.b3c2.806e6f6e6963\Users\ABC\Desktop

My setting is that the mirror desk shall be continuesly updated.

How shall I think here as I understand that if I happen to by mistake delete a file I want to have it back?

Thanks for your advise!

As I’m trying to organize my file structure an spend a lot of time with it I want the backup to mirror my work.

WD Smartware will never delete a file on the destination device (the MCM in this case). It’s backup software, not synchronisation software (WD make WD Sync for that).

As you rightly concluded - if back-up software deleted files from their archive when they were deleted from the everyday source drive then they wouldn’t be much use as a back-up, as recovery from archive is one of the more common requirements of such software.

If you want the file to go from the MCM archive, you need to go there and delete it manually.

OK, Thanks Darren!

An alternative for me can than maybe be to force MCM to start to store the files at a new catalogue?
Say instead of\SmartWare\WD SmartWare.swstor\HP14\Volume.42f726c5.7e94.11e3.b3c2.806e6f6e6963\Users\ABC\Desktop\SmartWare\WD SmartWare.swstor\HP14\Volume.NEW_NUMBERS_AND LETTERS\Users\ABC\Desktop

or something similar?

Would that be possible?

Later om when I have a full backup I have the possibility to erase the first catalogue structure . . .

No. The numbers relate to the physical drive on the machine you’re backing up (they’re one of it’s ID numbers) so if you start messing around with that you’ll just screw everything up. It’s how Smartware keeps track of things, so you can back up multiple drives on the same machine (and indeed also multiple machines) at the higher level.

Smartware is working exactly as it is intended to do. If that’s not what you actually want it to do, then perhaps look at WD Backup or WD Sync as alternatives instead, or indeed any number of backup/sync solutions from third party vendors.

I like my MCM unit and just want to learn how to behave to with the MCM for my planned usage.

One more “trick”. If I stop the safety coping to the MCM and delete all catalogues and files after (below) that critical string of numbers and letters meaning \Users\ABC* Then after those files are deleted or for safety reason are copied to another catalogue I once again start the safety coping from the Laptop to the MCM. Will the MCM then understand it like that a new catalogue structure has been implemented on the Laptop and then start to transfer the existing structure from the Laptop to the MCM?\SmartWare\WD SmartWare.swstor\HP14\Volume.42f726c5.7e94.11e3.b3c2.806e6f6e6963\Users\ABC\Desktop

Yes, if you remove (delete or move) the existing backup structure on the MCM then Smartware will rebuild it based on what’s on the drive at the moment. You won’t get any older files that no longer exist there for fairly obvious reasons, and if you have it set up for multiple versions that too will start from the beginning as a new base version of the file.

Basically you can think of Smartware as just periodically blindly copying what’s on your drive to the MCM. If the file is new or revised then it will be copied across (and a new version created if you have that enabled), but it won’t look generally at the content of the MCM to see if there are files there which are there but not on the source drive - basically it’s all one-way traffic from the source drive to the MCM.

This is the key difference between WD Smartware (and WD Backup for that matter) and WD Sync. Smartware and Backup are one-way, Sync is two-way traffic. And to forestall your next question, Smartware is designed for backing up over the network, whereas Backup is designed for backing up to directly connected USB drives like the MyPassport.