Whats the difference?

Ok Still working on moviesheets and doing alot of reading. I thought the pros to a moviesheet was to store movie information on your hard drive instead of it coming from the internet. What are the advantages of moviesheets just to get different locations and arrangements for the info? I mean you can use the hub to get movie info plus the thumb is at the bottom and it loads movie info in the background and you press ok and the movie starts playing I have yet to achieve that with moviesheets. The most I have gotten was the movie info or metadata I guess in the background or in whatever theme I am usings spot. The moviesheet that I created doese nothing I can delete it and I still get the coverbox icon if I make the moviename.jpg from the template that I created in thumbgen then it will display that image on the screen however it makes my coverbox a small icon as that template.


I think that you may have misunderstood the use of moviesheets.  Moviesheets are really only eye candy, they aren’t meant to add anything to the HUB other than to give it a different look.

To give you some understanding, the HUB uses 2 different variables in the Gallery View.  1 is the @@thumbnail variable, this is used to display the coverart thumbnail that is used for scrolling.  The 2nd is the @@poster variable, this is used to display the larger coverart that’s next to the metadata (actors, overview, etc.) in standard themes.  In the modified themes that use moviesheets, the @@poster variable has had it’s values changed to use the entire screen area (or most of the screen area depending on the modification) so that the moviesheet can be displayed.

However, both the @@poster & @@thumbnail use the same image to display an image, so what ever you have for your coverart will be displayed for the poster, and vise versa.

As for the moviesheet adding info to the HUB, it does not.  The moviesheet itself is just an image, any info has to be in the form of an xml file, which has to either be added by using “Get Info” from the HUB or by gererating it with Thumbgen (selection “Generate .nfo”, which if you have it set correctly in the Options will actually generate an .xml) or using one of the apps created by the users in the forums.

Hope this helps somewhat.


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Thanks Tin that explains it all That is why when I created a movie sheet it had a pic in the background from fanart and the movie info and then a pic of the coverart. Totally explains why my @@thumbnail was a smaller version of my sheet I created. So basically in all these screenshots all the background stuff ie@@poster is stuff streamed from the movie info? Basically these guys are creating a template to match how the theme displays the movie info so the plot actors can appear anywehere on the screen depending totally on the theme not the thumbgen template. Could you target the movies xml file in the correct area amke changes to take them @@poster images from a computer?

http://community.wdc.com/t5/image/serverpage/image-id/1682i29205C2E0279E54F/image-size/original?v=mpbl-1&px=-1 In this shot I see now the thumbnail as the movies sheet however if you look at the other thumbs next to it they are regular thumbs. I think I read somewhere I have read so much something to the fact that a thumb display until you hover over it is that what this in that pic looks like wher you do that if not how did he get it to disply regular thumbs with the exeption of the one he is highlighting?

tm224 wrote:

http://community.wdc.com/t5/image/serverpage/image-id/1682i29205C2E0279E54F/image-size/original?v=mpbl-1&px=-1 In this shot I see now the thumbnail as the movies sheet however if you look at the other thumbs next to it they are regular thumbs. I think I read somewhere I have read so much something to the fact that a thumb display until you hover over it is that what this in that pic looks like wher you do that if not how did he get it to disply regular thumbs with the exeption of the one he is highlighting?

Well, in this shot.

for The movie inception.mkv only, i’ve set the thumbnail as moviesheet…

and for the other files, there are not any moviesheets, just regular thumbnails /coverbox

ok Got it thanks fire for clarifying I was gonna say I would even settle for that if it only went to that thumbshot when you highlighted it