What wi-fi adapter are compatible with WD TV Live Hub?

Hello everybody! I’ve recently bought a WD TV Live Hub. I want have an internet access. So I’m looking for a compatible Wi-Fi adapter. Could you advise me a good compatible wireless adapter available for sale.

Good luck in 2020 finding a compatible USB Wi-Fi adpator for the discontinued/obsolete WDTV Live Hub … a device released in 2010.

this was the list a decade ago … Error

only other option with a higher compatibility … connect it via a Ethernet cable to a Ethernet Powerline Adaptor

even then, most online services apps will be dead and no longer supported (Youtube, Netflix etc) …and you’ll most likely have network sharing problems with the Live Hub using SMB1.0 which is disabled in Windows 10 and phased out due to security and exploit risks using the old protocol which was never updated to 2.0/3.0 on the Live Hub.