What is the best way to transfer files to a EX4 MyCloud?

Hi, I have 2 discs in EX4, 4 Tb every 1, are not mounted on RAID, are separately JBOD.

I skip a warning that one disk is almost full, now come my doubts:

Where I can see the free space of each disc? this should appear in the web control panel, and is not. Since ssh I can see the 2 drives, but I can not see the busy each capacity (which is the ssh command for this?)
What is the best way to transfer files from one drive to another?
I say that the application of WD My Cloud is a real TRASH, is slow, can not select multiple folders at once … lacks many hours of development to that application.
If I copy directly from windows network environment transfer rate is Lousy, because what it does is spend on the NAS to my PC and then rises again that the NAS to another disk, painful.

sorry for my english :slight_smile:

Original in spanish:

¿Cuál es la mejor manera de transferir ficheros en un mycloud EX4?

Hola, tengo 2 discos en el EX4, de 4 Tb cada 1, no están montados en RAID, están por separado en JBOD.

Me salta un aviso de que uno de los discos está casi lleno, ahora vienen mis dudas:

¿Dónde puedo ver el espacio libre que tiene cada disco? esto debería aparecer en el panel de control web, y no está. Desde ssh puedo ver los 2 discos, pero no puedo ver la capacidad ocupada de cada uno (cual es el comando ssh para ello?)
¿Cuál es la mejor manera de transferir ficheros de un disco a otro?
lo digo por que la aplicación de WD My Cloud es una autentica BASURA, es lenta, no permite seleccionar varias carpetas a la vez… le faltan muchas horas de desarrollo a esa aplicación.
Si copio directamente desde entorno de red de windows la tasa de transferencia es PÉSIMA, ya que lo que hace es pasarme de el NAS a mi PC y luego vuelve a subir eso al NAS al otro disco, penoso.


The dashboard does not show the available space on the drives when you have them set as JBOD. I recommend you post this in the ideas section.

Network Product Ideas

The best way to transfer files from one EX4 to another is trough Windows explorer. As you mentioned, the data has to go from one EX4 to your computer and then to the other EX4.

“The best way to transfer files from one EX4 to another is trough Windows explorer. As you mentioned, the data has to go from one EX4 to your computer and then to the other EX4.”

this is extremely ridiculous.

There should be a better way directly from the NAS