WDTV Live HD Media Player

I was wondering if anyone can tell me if most USB Harddrive’s 2.5 size and USB Memory Sticks will work with the WDTV Live HD Media Player  and also is there a Preffered Format your USB Device’s should be in to work at there best with the WDTV Live HD Media Player .


the specific reply is here : http://www.wdc.com/en/products/products.aspx?id=330

http://community.wdc.com/t5/General-Discussions/Updated-list-of-compatible-devices-for-the-WD-TV-Live-amp-Live/td-p/162278 ] 

all my usb devices plugged were working

not even one had a problem 

format ? ntfs as a must [to enable you to store huge single files] 

