WDSmartware Upgrade always assumes you're Categorizing

I’ve had to start over several times. Every time I upgrade WDSmartware, it begins backing up immediately before I can stop it or start it and it always assume a Categorizing method of backup. This means I have to start all over again and reformat the 2TB which has my data already there because you cannot just switch to Files method without starting over. I think this should be something that the registry could easily make a note of and not keep making this assumption. Anyone have any ideas how to upgrade without running into this problem?

Hi, when smartware is categorizing the files it doesn’t mean that it started doing the backup, is just exploring your PC for files to backup, you also don’t need to format the hard drive in case you want to start a new backup, just delete the folder with the name “smartware.swstor” and start doing the backup again.

When I upgraded to 1.6.4, it actually started the categorization backup process. Because it had copied a large number of files before I could stop it, I had to kill the whole backup. I needed a fresh start because the backup (file mode)  just stops but doesn’t say it is complete. It just stops copying files although it continues to show me a ‘progress bar’ that is 100%  but at the same it says ‘copying files…’. I compared the properties of the folder I was backing up with the properties of the same folder at the destination and there was a 1400+ file count difference.  I cannot dedicate whole days to crossing my fingers and hoping it is going to work better than the last time I tried it. I wonder? Has anyone out there ever had success using WDSmartware as an automated backup utility? How about for a 30-day straight period of time? Or even 2 days?

After another hang about 30 hours into the 4th run, I tried a program called Directory Compare.  This program can also synchronize folder structures and files with many flexible options. I discovered that there were some really long folder names in there that I was previously unaware of. This program displays the fact that these long names were too long to be used to copy files and so THEN I  found yet another program that does everything I want a good backup program to do: Here it is! This is the one everyone at this forum has been waiting for. It’s called ViceVersa Pro. It is 30 day trial then $35. It has an option to handle folders with 32k folder names! Their forum  is worth reading, you will learn all the reasons why you want this program. Do a quick format using the WD Quick Format program, then install this and get your files backed up once and for all. I’ll sleep better tonight and so can you.   Go to this website http://www.tgrmn.com/. I am through with rerunning backups of 127,000 files over and over.