WDMyCloud Red light, error crítico

I cann’t access, the led is red. I can access the Twonky Server. I tried formatting it but it doesn’t work. When I try to access through http, a message “Attempting to authenticate” appears and the screen remains blank. What I can do?

Cannot access how? Using Windows File Explorer or Mac Finder? Cannot access the Dashboard (http://wdmycloud or http://wdmycloud.local)? Cannot access the My Cloud using it’s IP address? Using what operating system? How is the My Cloud connected to the local network?

Have you tried a 40 second reset?

Is your ISP AT&T or are you using one of the router’s mentioned in the following WD support article?


Today i tried another 40second reset, and now I see capacity to 0kb

Nobody can help?

I have to buy another nas, but i’m sure it will be not WD

More information would help. What other troubleshooting steps have you tried? Have you tried accessing the My Cloud using SSH (after enabling SSH through the My Cloud Dashboard)? You indicated in your first post you “formatted” the My Cloud. How did you initiate the format? Through the My Cloud Dashboard or some other method?

Is your ISP AT&T or do you use one of the routers mentioned in the WD Knowledgebase article in my previous post?

Have you made any past unsupported modifications to the My Cloud firmware? Like adding unsupported apps/modules?