WD15EADS S.M.A.R.T. Status

UPDATED: This drive tested “Good” on the quick, BUT “Too many bad sectors” near the near of the extended test using the WD Data Life Guard Diagnostics for Windows.

It can’t can’t read the SMART data. I have the drive connected with a USB adapter to my laptop. (I’m using the drive to store backup copies of old family records, photos, videos, etc. in a safe).

I read in other threads it could be the USB adapter causing that issue. Do I need to worry about it? Any other way to check that?

I just started chkdsk /r. Good idea?

Again, backup copy. So I can confirm all the data is there using xcopy.

Side note, I still love xcopy after so many years and version of Windows. Very reliable backup / copy app. I use:

C:\WINDOWS\system32\xcopy.exe C:<Folder>\*.* /s F:<Folder>\ /d /c /i /j /y /h /e

It copies only files new or updated files not on the target drive. And it never crashes. Sweet!

Thank you.

If I don’t have a memory leak, some SMART programs are able to read from USB. Again if I don’t have a memory leak,  HDD Scan should be able to read SMART data through USB.

If the bad sectors only happen at the end the disk, I doubt it’s cable related.

Any other way to check that?

Bring it over to a friend who has a desktop computer and try read the SMART from there? Make sure the computer is clean from malwares though.

I would recomend using a desktop and connect the drive to a sata port.

it seems that your driveis dying… backup backup backup… hard drives can die even on a safe… backup to at least another drive

Try hard disk sentinel its a very good program

Data recovery professionals will tell you that running CHKDSK in repair mode against a drive with head or media problems is a bad idea. It will just make problems worse. Instead they recommend that such a drive be cloned, sector by sector with a tool such as ddrescue that understands how to work with bad media.

BTW, I like XCOPY as well. I remember the switches by way of the acronym, “RICHKEY”.