WD Twonky setup changes via SSH root having no effect

Here’s my user-start file. It stops the indexing and thumbnailing tasks, stops Twonky, copies the Twonky settings files from a ‘safe’ store in share space, and then restarts Twonky. This seems to be working well.

# User startup script
# should run automatically after every reboot, and be unaltered by firmware upgrades
# so should sort out the mess caused by firmware upgrades

# stop and disable indexing services
/etc/init.d/wdmcserverd stop
/etc/init.d/wdphotomergerd stop
update-rc.d wdmcserverd disable
update-rc.d wdphotomergerd disable

# sort out Twonky settings
#	stop Twonky server
/etc/init.d/twonky stop
#	copy saved content directory settings
cp /DataVolume/shares/Public/Software/MyCloud/contentdir /etc/contentdir
#	copy saved Twonky configuration file
cp /DataVolume/shares/Public/Software/MyCloud/twonkyserver.ini /CacheVolume/twonkymedia/twonkyserver.ini
#	restart Twonky server
/etc/init.d/twonky start

# stop RESTSDK server daemon
#	for OS3 only
#/etc/rc2.d/S20restsdk-serverd stop

# stop unwanted wakeups
#mount -o remount,noatime,nodiratime /dev/root /