WD Sync size

I have a 8TB WD Could and I use WD Sync to sync my laptop with total size of 256 GB. After a few weeks the 8TB drive was full. Seems like the sync software keep ols versions and just add new files. Can someone pls help.

Use the following links for more information.



See the WD Sync embedded help or the link Cat0w posted. Yes the WD Sync supports versioning so a user can restore a previous version of a file. There are numerous complaints (use forum search feature, magnifying glass icon upper right) of one’s My Cloud becoming filled to the point of being completely out of free space.

If one doesn’t need remote syncing one can use a third party sync program like Free File Sync (https://www.freefilesync.org/) instead of WD Sync.

Tx Bennor, I will give freefilesync a go, much appreciated.