WD Sync not working on Mac

I run WD Sync on my Mac mini. I have a folder (called Music) which I put into the MyCloud Folder. Its size is 37 GB.
I can access all those files on my iPhone via MyCloud App.
But: I can’t access all files on my MacBook Pro.
It has also WD Sync installed. It says something like „Sync complete“ If I look at the Folder MyCloud>Music it only has 27 GB. A lot of subfolders just show O Kb of size. So the Sync did not complete. How can I get this fixed?
The whole point of buying MyCloud 4 TB was to
have access to my Mac mini Files in the Music folder, once I am on the road wirh my MacBook Pro.
Any help very welcome!

Other backup, mirror and sync tools are available…

Search the forum for suggestions.

hello cpt_paranoia,
thanks for your answer. I am new to this forum (this is my first request). I have searched beforehand and did not find a solution. I am backing up my computers to MyCloud drive via TimeMachine. This is working, after I had problems with it, too. Keeping my fingers crossed, that the backup solution is stable.
Now back to my problem:
If I log in via Webinterface to mycloud.com, all files are there.
If I use MyCloud App on my iPhone, all files are there, too.
But: on my MacBook Pro, only 70% of the files are there (via WD Sync) and it says „Sync complete“.
Here is, where I need help: how do I get WD-Sync to resume or restart the Sync?
Thank you again for your attention and possibly help.

I specify further, after having deinstalled and reinstalled WD Sync on the MacBook Pro:

First the WD Sync Menulett on the MacBook Pro says „Starting Sync Service“
Then (after a minute or do) it shows
„WDMyCloud is up to date“

But it is not!
The only contents of the Folder
~/My Cloud is
~/My Cloud/WD Sync-Help.html

And it stays like this forever…

What happens if you restart your Mac? What happens if you create and save a new file into a location WD Sync is monitoring?

If you search this subforum you’ll find many complaints and issues with respect to WD Sync. The not syncing, which you appear to be experiencing is a somewhat common complaint.

What cpt_paranoia was suggesting was to use a DIFFERENT sync program from a third party rather than the sometimes (often times?) problematic WD Sync.

For example Free File Sync (https://www.freefilesync.org/) is one third party sync program several here use. The one major downside to using third party sync programs rather than WD Sync is the inability (without modifying your My Cloud firmware or using the insecure FTP) to remote sync your computer when not on the same local network as the My Cloud.

Bennor, thanks for your reply.
Yes, I have restarted the Mac, if course. No change…
So I started at Zero again.
Beforehand I took the „Music“ Folder out of the My Cloud Folder and put it onto the desktop.
Strange thing (dangerous) happened then. The precious source folder on the MacMini ~/My Cloud/Music was gone too, I discovered it in the trash…
So I put it back in to its former place. But the trash was also cluttered with about 100 files and folders, which originally lived inside the Music folder…
Luckily the Mac Os has a function “put back” for files in the trash. So one by one I brought the files back into their original destination.
This happened to nearly be a big data loss!

Why does the core function of the WD MyCloud not work?

It’s not a core function. It’s an ancillary function. As suggested, there are alternatives that seem to be be both more reliable and more capable.

As to why it doesn’t work: you’d better ask WD. We’re not WD…

Syncing is not a “core function” of the My Cloud. The My Cloud is, at its base, a network attached storage device. It is a basic network file storage repository that has additional features like remote access and media server.

Your problem is with the WD Sync program. If you remove files from folders the WD Sync is monitoring the software, due to the nature of syncing, may remove them from the either the source or destination sync location. It is why WD Sync has the ability to restore files that have been deleted. See the WD Sync help file for more information on restoring deleted synced files.

You may want to start small and modify WD Sync to monitor one specific folder that has just a few files in it. Try using a user created folder rather than one of the default Mac folders that contain your documents and media/music files. This way you can monitor how effectively WD Sync is working. You can configure WD Sync to monitor one specific folder, again see the WD Sync help for more information on configuring WD Sync.

As previously indicated more than a few people have trouble with WD Sync, some have uninstalled WD Sync and gone with third party sync/mirroring programs. You may want to think about using an alternate program to sync your data rather than spend time fighting with WD Sync.

Its possible WD Sync is having trouble with large files or a large number of files when trying to sync them to the My Cloud over a WiFi connection or slow network connection. Sometimes files get stuck in the waiting to be synced section and never get synced (for what ever reason).

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Newly added or changed files of this specific folder on both computers seem to sync. That way it works fine.

But there must be thousands of older files missing on the second computer:
Folder on Mac mini 38 GB and 28000 items
Folder on MacBook Pro 34 GB and 24000 items
There are subfolders that did never sync, they are 0 kB on the MacBook Pro. I have no problem to find those files either with the My Cloud App on the iPhone or via web access. So the files are there… just not all synced on the MacBook Pro.

Strange thing, too: After having worked on my main computer for a while I will find files in the trash of the second computer, which I never put there. The trash seems to get synced too. I have to take a deep breath before emptying that trash, as I don’t know, how it might be linked…

If you do NOT need to sync remotely with the My Cloud then consider dumping WD Sync and using a third party sync/mirroring program. As mentioned previously some here have had good luck using Free File Sync (https://www.freefilesync.org/). The downside to third party sync programs is the inability to easily sync remotely to a remote My Cloud.

WD Sync is what it is. For some it works fine. For others it doesn’t.

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