WD Sync Error: 'value cannot be null'

Any advice on that error please, i’m unable to connect WD Sync app to the cloud

Hi, what operating system are you running? Are you sure you have all the updates?

Hi, the operating system is windows 10 and yes I have all the updates

I also had this problem. In the end the solution was to uninstall it then download the latest version from WD.

Now it is working again,

This problem reappeared and despite re-installing WD Sync again it will not go away.

Same problem here. Few weeks back, all working good and than something happen. After that I’m not able to run sync. FTP and SFTP are working. I have all updates from WD…

I suspect corruption of Sync’s database. I can’t help with that, sadly…

What I did was to uninstall the WD Sync setup, restarted my computer and reinstalled it. After that it added my device without the “Value cannot be null” pop showing up.

Thanks for the suggestion. It did not work for me.

Did you do a clean uninstallation of all the WD Programs?