WD Sync does not show Devices from mycloud.com

i try to sync some windows-computers with my MyCloudEx2Ultra. In mycloud.com the mycloud-device is shown, but in WD-Sync i get always no devices detected after login with my mycloud-account.
With my MacBook it works.

Any idea what i do wrong?



Are you trying to sync the files locally or remotely?

I have the same issue when I try and access them remotely. Is there anything to resolve this?

Do you solve the problem? i have same…

I have the same problem. Is there any solution to fix this ?
I opened my case in the support portal , but no feedback until now

No. Still not working for me :frowning:

Wd Sync work on Your MacBook in any netwrok or work in LAN? Can you send me a personal message email, I send an invitation to access the cloud?

+1, I have the same problem.
Where is support? Where is solve? Where is fixing this bug?


Please note that this is a user to user Community. If you need direct assistance from support, you should call directly to the support line.

WD support contact information:

wd support try resolve my problem >2 month. and i have no corret answer what i need to do.
Anybody have device with mac os?

I faced the same problem here. i have no problem accessing the Mycloud EX2ultra from the mobile apps but when i tried to set up the WD Sync, it doesn’t detect my device. In fact I have tried to install it at several PCs. The thing is, if I am connected to the local network, it detect the device just fine, but not over the internet. Anybody knows how to resolved this issue?


I buy my Ex2 Ultra 2 days ago. I upgrade firmware. I try everything, But I can connect remote.

Same problem here… Bought EX2 Ultra 2 days ago…
I was using WD MyCloud earllier… WD Access was working just fine… now with EX2 I can not sync my files remotely via Internet. Router uses UPnP, also forwarded the ports… none of these work as should… and the only faulty device is ex2…
WD - Im sure You don’t want lose any loyal customers… Do a thing!


Do a thing. I still having same problem I can´t connect WDSync to my WDEx2Ultra over internet.
More than 6 months and no answer I have to return it???

Installed MyCloud one week ago.
No problem when I am in the same subnet.

BUT I have problems in a non-local network.
Actually, I can connect from a non-local net using a MAC, but not using win 7 nor win 10.
in my sinc, i see “Access to … my email … as Mycloud.com
but I cannot establish a connection to my shared folders, in fact i get the message “no devices were found”.
Somebody can help?

The same issue, some user or tech support from wd can help?