WD Photo - My Book Live Duo: How to avoid the public folder

Hi team,

I was trying to configure the WD Photo and MBLD in order to avoid usage of public folder for personal pictures, even removing the media server from the Public shared resource, but:

  • All sync between the mobile devices and MBLD is always creating a folder under Public/shared pictures or shared videos folder, and synchronizind under these folders the mobile pictures. It means that everybody with access to the NAS can see all our private pictures. How can we sync the mobiles with a private folder?

  • WD Photo is always looking for pictures only under the Public/Shared Pictures folder, although We are managing pricate folders with media streaming activated and appropiate rights for our mobile users, but it is not accesing these resources. For instance, my user USER1 is owner and with full access to the shared resource USER1, which was enabled for media streaming… User1 is installing the WD photo, and identifying the tool as USER1… the pictures are not comming from resource USER1, they are only comming from PUBLIC/SHARED PICTURES… how can I configure it for looking into the appropiate folders? (I assume that if the new private created folders can be set as media servers is because pictures should be possible to be accessed).

Thanks in advance for your answers,

Eduardo Fernández


Currently the WD Photo app only supports photos that are placed in the Public>shared photo’s folder.

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Just a remark… It is not logic to have all pictures without filtering by rights. In this case, all pictures stored in sync devices will be public, even the private ones, instead store them on each appropiate folder.

I hope it was fixed in a short while :frowning:

Best regards,


Bardito wrote:





Just a remark… It is not logic to have all pictures without filtering by rights. In this case, all pictures stored in sync devices will be public, even the private ones, instead store them on each appropiate folder.


I hope it was fixed in a short while :frowning:


Best regards,



Don’t hold your breath on that. I’ve seen a bunch of people suggest that since I joined the community and nothing yet.