Alright so my 1TB pass port stopped working and I’m pretty bummed as it was the back up to my computer and my computer crashed like 2 months ago and I forgot to transfer the data back over and now my passport crashed and I might lose it all since I don’t have the 400 dollars to spend to recover the data.
Maybe one of you can help me?
I just sent a bunch of information to tech support and figured I would ask the community!
My system and things I’ve tried
Windows 7 64 bit
The WD Discovery program says my drive is in “read-only” mode
Tried on two different computers with two different cables in two different usb ports. I get the same problems no matter the computer, cable, or port used.
I’ve tried uninstalling and reinstalling the passport and the USB ports on my computer.
I’ve tried going into command prompt and finding the detailed disk, listing the volume, and clearing the readonly attribute but get errors along the way.
I’ve tried going into disk management to change the name of the drive/passport but it doesn’t show up and won’t initialize the disk.
I’ve tried doing a firmware update on it but it fails.
I’ve tried doing a diagnose with the WD data lifeguard but that isn’t helping either.
I’ve gone into my devices and it says the drive, and all the things in the drive are working properly. I try to update them and it says they are up to date.
With WD utilities it says “smart drive failed”
Someone please help me!
Here are some pictures to give a better understanding of things I have tried and what it looks like… Just found out I can only put two images since I am “new” thanks WD!