WD MyCloud 3TB and Logitech's Squeezebox Radio

I’m not familiar with Squeezebox Radio but I do use a Touch and a Boom connected to Logitech Media Server running on my My Cloud. It works fine so long as the My Cloud is not running other tasks.  Look here for how to disable some background scanning tasks that when actively scanning will render LMS unusable. http://community.wd.com/t5/WD-My-Cloud/Hidden-wdmc-directories-created-by-mcserver-and-photodbmerger/m-p/682091/highlight/true#M7765

Here’s a guide on installing Logitech Media Server (Squeezeboxserver) on My Book.  It’s been months since I used it to install LMS on my My Cloud but it should still work.   http://mybookworld.wikidot.com/squeezeboxserver  

To install the latest version 7.8 of LMS instead of v7.6 use these commands in place of those in the guide:

wget http://downloads.slimdevices.com/LogitechMediaServer_v7.8.0/logitechmediaserver_7.8.0_all.deb
dpkg -i logitechmediaserver_7.8.0_all.deb


Remember that WD advises performing the above steps will void your warranty.

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