All I did for mine was update the firmware, but prior to that I had set the port forwarding in my router for MyCloud. Even though it is not needed for local access, once I did that all my speeds and connections improved quite considerably. Web access is slow, 2 MB pic. files are ok at best, as for my 2 GB video files forget it.
Just my 2 cents. . . I’m also experiencing the same issues with my 3 TB WD Cloud drive. It also appears to me that WD is like the rest of the tech companies these days, rush the product to the market first flawed or not, we’ll fix things afterwards. This is my third WD product - a few years back I bought 2 WD hard drives for the purpose of mirroring each other. in less than a year one packed up followed by the other a coup[le of weeks later. I bought a WDTV Live Hub. It has been nothing but a big PITA since I bought it. Now the WD MyCloud. Good innovations, exorbinate marketing, crappy products, lousy tech support with the exception of the folks contributing on this forum.
Chances are I won’t buy another of of their products. 3 strikes your out.
That being said, I tried the above suggestion re: port forwarding and it did appear to help a bit. Go figure? I too am using the latest firmware. Time for another UPDATE WD?