WD My Cloud Sync doesn't work on Mac Mavericks

Dear WD. The WD Sync sounded promising but it is a joke. This happens when I try to install and setup my personal sync on my Mac (OS X Mavericks):

  1. start up WD Sync menu service:
    This item is shown in the menu but disappears once the setup is finished. Why?

  2. Choose setup from menu.
    “WD Sync doesn’t synchronize with drive.”
    So I click “Add drive”.
    WDMyCloud drive is shown. When I click on the My Cloud icon, I am asked to choose between following options:
    Remove selected drive - Cancel addition of drive - Select another drive.
    This is not logical. I should be able to confirm the selected drive.
    However, the third option does seem to do just this. But then I am unable to choose ‘Next’.
    So I try to select the drive again by first removing the selected drive. This seems to work and now I can choose ‘Next’.
    The following screen asks for login. Login works fine.
    Next screen lets me choose folders that wish to include in auto sync. I select and choose ‘Next’.
    The next screen tells me that items placed in the My Cloud folder will be synced automatically to the MyCloud drive. I choose ‘finalize’.
    After hitting the ‘finalize’ button, the screen disappears, and so does the WD Sync menu service. Goodness. And now what?
    So I start up the menu service again. Is it doing anything? It says “WD Sync service starting up”. And this seems to take hours, since it doesn’t disappear. But the main problem is that no files are synced at all. Nothing happens.

WD, are you still there? I would like to know when I am doing something wrong. But I am getting the impression that, apart from the clumsy UI, this sync app is totally useless.

Have you been able to confirm if other computers on your network are also encountering the same behavior?

Thanks for your advice and sorry for my late reply. I have been able to install WD Sync on another (desktop) iMac (also with Mavericks) and that seems to work all right. So we’re making progress! Unfortunately, this is not the case on my MacBook Pro. I have removed and reinstalled the WD Sync app on my MacBook twice now and at last it looks to be stable now. But what I don’t get is that whereas the My Cloud folder on my iMac does synchronize with the related folder on the My Cloud drive, there is no syncing between the My Cloud folder on my MacBook Pro and the drive. I am wondering what I am doing wrong when installing the WD Sync app on my MacBook.
I should add that on my MBP, I keep getting the message that the WD Sync app is “busy starting up sync service”, but it looks nothing is really happening.