WD My cloud reliability

I never had any issues with mine but I have the older My Book Live, it is currently set to be my torrent client, + i also set remote ssh/scp/sftp access.

It is the backup for 3 phones, 2 laptops and 2 tablets. Using my own scripts for backups though, robocopy/rsync.

It is also my media server from which I stream to all devices mentioned aboved + a FIre TV box with Kodi

I did disable auto firmware upgrades and do it manually when necessary.

I also shut it down via the GUI or command line all the time. A few times the house power has gone out but it has been recovered just fine from it.

Now, this is not my first rodeo. But I remember having plenty of fun with my first ever NAS long long time ago in a galaxy far away.

Hardware wise, unit is fine. Software WD GUI, could be better. If you are a techie and willing to learn or already know some basic Linux, it is a lot of fun.

Mainly, it is a learning curve most people dont want to put up with, specially if it is their first ever NAS. But once you learn it, since most NAS regardless of brand are a some light flavor of Linux, you know what to look for and/or are getting into.

And last, for the price, it is the best NAS ever. 


This seems like a very interesting option:
