WD My Cloud Home

My Cloud Home cannot be found anywhere on network

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N-o SEE die drive light blinking

hallo I installed it and I uninstalled it and the light from the drive flashes and I think it doesn’t receive internet in the drive

You need to install the My Cloud home software, and then when that’s installed you should be able to see you drive, normally Z drive.

hallo I installed it and I uninstalled it and the light from the drive flashes and I think it doesn’t receive internet in the drive

You do need the wd my cloud home software installed for the device to work.

You might need to unplug the device, then plug it back in and do the install again from scratch. (This will not remove any files already on the device)
Then it should pick up the device again on a new ip address.

the same way it appears, the light bulb flashes and the application doesn’t see it, it shows me that it doesn’t see it and it doesn’t receive internet, I’m afraid I won’t lose the data from Any Cloud

how could i do this job i don’t know very well thank you if you would give me a learning solution to do it

So you need to plug your wd my cloud home in the plug socket, then the Internet cable (RJ45) into the my cloud home device and into your router.

Then you need to goto My Cloud Home

Then enter the code that came with your setup instructions.

Once that’s done it should offer you the option to download the wd my cloud home software that you need to log into, and then it should give you the option to setup discovery to map your my cloud home device to a network drive.

I entered the code as requested but it appears to me that the code is not good and does not find the drive

You will need to chat to support and tell them what’s going on.

This link below is the chat support.
When there office is open you can chat to a person how can help.


Tank you