Wd My book not reconised on macbook pro

By mistake I deleted everything on my MYbook for mac as well as the files that were included and now MY Book isnt recognised by my macbook pro. What should i do?

Hi kunalroy78,

You should follow below mentioned link in this concern:

Hi I’m still not seeing my my book shown on my macbook pro. can you help please?

Hi kunalroy78,

You should contact WD’s Technical Support on below contact details.

To Contact WD for Technical Support

The link below will allow you to call support.

The first link is not working. I’ve tried 6 times to fill out the online form.

Help please.


What OS version are your using?
Did you try your WD Mybook with another Mac?
Can you see WD drive in disk utility?


Just an update- a friend of mine sat down with me and we reformatted my hard drive. All is fine now. The hard drive is working perfectly. Thank you for all of your support and have a . great day!
