Wd elements 1tb does not show up.in explorer. Works on other computers

I have two elements drives. Neither drives show up in explorer (Windows 7 64bit.These drives function fine on any other device.

They show up in Disk Management as unallocated space. When trying to initilize them it says they are write protected. The drive spins up as per usual. Other externals work fine on this machine.

 I have tried removing the drivers in Device manager.including windows usb(hidden ones also). Restarting.

Have tried every usb port. Changed cables.

I think i might be not deleting all the drivers that are installed or there is a registry value to delete.

Anyone evr found a solution to this?

I am at a loss?


Try updating the USB drivers on the computer while one of the elements is plugged in.

I got them going. A while back I turned on USB legacy support in bios to get a keyboard to work. Turned it of and it solved the problem. Thankyou for your reply. Seems like when you are just about to give up or destroy your possesions the fix arises. I’m sure my computer has a vendetta against me. Cheers.