hello, i purchased a 14tb wd easystore hard drive 3 years ago and is all of a sudden no longer detectable on my macbook pro after a power outage. i have so much valuable data on here, it is my main drive. i leave it plugged in all the time inside of a cabinet thinking it would be safer. the light is now flashing on the hard drive but is not making any noise. normally i can hear it. the drive no longer appears in disk utility and i cant access it from my computer. how do i fix it? ive already tried different usb ports, restarting computer and reseting the usb. i have not tried reseting NVRAM/PRAM or SMC yet but i will tmrw. considering trying some data recovery software. would like to avoid mailing it out to a data recovery specialist since its expensive. any help would be very much appreciated. thank you
Hi @lah00ligan7
Have you checked our knowledge base articles?
(Support for Western Digital Hard Drives | Western Digital)
Try this one:
(Third-Party Data Recovery Software for Windows and macOS)
Have you opened a Support Case?
If not, contact Western Digital Technical Support for assistance.