WD 5TB Elements left me in the lurch

I’ve been a WD customer for years, I have several external drives and I’ve been a professional photographer for over 30 years, being extremely careful with backups, always making duplicates in different hard disks. The drives are stored at ideal temperatures, so it’s extremely rare to have any problems.
But in October/2022, I bought 2 WD 5TB Elements at Best Buy in Florida and brought them to Sao Paulo, Brazil, and one of them simply became unstable, stopping being read by the Mac Book Pro 2022. Even though it REALLY messed up my workflow, I formatted it twice, in a period of 1 week, thinking that it could be solved by some possible corrupted file, but nothing worked. The guide light keeps flashing constantly and the internal noises of the HD are normal. It’s working without any command and it’s a huge disappointment. With the dollar worth 6x the Brazilian real, it’s very expensive for Brazilians and this makes me lose confidence in the brand, since it’s a practically new HD.
What should I do? I would like a solution. Thank you.

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