Volume/Folder Access Structure for PC and MAC (I don't get it...)


I’m having some difficulty understanding (visualizing) the folder structure and access on my new My Cloud Home (4TB). I have it connected via Ethernet on my access point. Hoping someone can help me understand how this thing is configured and works…

My experience is a follows:

With Mac OSX:

  • The system setup and mounted a drive called “TimeMachine” whereby I can use the Mac backup app to perform regular backups. Working! Note: I “cannot” see this folder/volume via the My Cloud site/app. Why?

  • Using the My Cloud site/app I can login and see my “general” shared folders (view-able via the PC and Mac). Working!

  • I cannot seem create or mount additional volumes for Mac use, although I can create folders under the “TimeMachine” share/volume and store files there.

With Windows 10:

  • It setup a network connection called “Public”, whereby I mapped the drive (X:) and created a folder. I sent my Windows backups to this folder. Working! Note: I “cannot” see this folder/volume via the My Cloud site/app. Why?

  • Using the My Cloud site/app I can login and see my “general” shared folders (view-able via the PC and Mac). Working!

  • Using WD Discovery tool i can map the “general” shared volume/folders in Windows Filer.

Please let me know if anyone can let me know if this is working as expected. Thanks in advance.
