Video Playback Panel - Can appearance be modified

I just bought my WD TV Live Hub and I would like to make some alterations to the  Video Playback Panel  like changing the font size of  time indicators and title and moving the displayed info around a bit so that it doesn’t obscure the movie as much.  Is there any way do do this using themes or other method?     


an example…  (will be included in the next update of my theme)

The Modified XML’s for Video File Playback are:




 also modified graphics in the “image” folder.

The Modified XML for DVD Playback is:


The Modified XML for Youtube Playback is:



Be very careful editing the line below  in video_run.xml,dvd_navigation.xml & youtube_video_playing_without_download.xml

<progress_bar name=“video_time_bar” x=“270” y=“628” w=“832” h=“14” pb_back_img=“image/video_playback_playing_progress_bar_bg.png” pb_front_img=“image/video_playback_playing_progress_bar.png” pb_delay=“500”/>

You can change the vertical and horizontal positioning the of “playback” line graphic eg. x=“270” y=“628”

But if you attempt to change the height or width   w=“832” h=“14”  it will cause the video playback screen to crash

and your Live Hub will reboot.

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Thanks for the help Joey.  I checked the  video_run.xml   on the Legacy theme and it looks like everything I need to modify just the Video Playback Panel  is in that xml.   If I don’t need to modify the Time Search  screen as your example shows, do I still need need to makes any changes in the    video_seektime_keyboard.xml  and    video_seektime_input.xml?  All I want to do is totally remove the   “Close”  and  “Skip to Desired Time”  captions at the bottom right of the Video Playback Panel 

All you need to modify then is video_run.xml

MathewFoF requested a while ago some simple playback mods.

You can try them here:

They are very minimalistic.

I had a look at the simple playback mods you posted links to and I’m beginning to understand a little about how modifications are done. If I wanted to increase the size of the current time and duration time to 3 times what they are now in the following lines would I multiply the  w, h, + fontsize numbers by 3 or just the fontsize?



valid font sizes are:


for the corresponding  'h="   it can be the same as the font number, but add a couple of digits if you see text clipping.




the width “w=” determines how long the text will be before it gets clipped.

if you dont like the clipping, you can add a scroller , so the text will scroll.


<text text=" @@current_time" x=" 999" y=" 661" w=" 103" h=" 18" fontsize=" 16" align=" right" delay=“2”/>

this will delay for 2 seconds before auto scrolling

I notice that after a new theme is installed that any previous background that I have set, from a photo, is replaced with the new theme background.  With most themes that I have tried I can then go ahead and reselect my own background again.  However when I tried this after installing the  Just Video Status Bar, Speed and Time Info: (No Subtitle or Audio Info is displayed as well__)  theme you referred me to, I noticed that after selecting a photo for a new background and pressing the Options button that the Options menu no longer appears.  Is there something in that theme that I have to change or add back in to recover this feature.

@ stevertyu
I notice that after a new theme is installed that any previous background that I have set, from a photo, is replaced with the new theme background.  

This is Standard Live Hub behaviour, and always happens when changing themes.

With most themes that I have tried I can then go ahead and reselect my own background again.  However when I tried this after installing the  Just Video Status Bar, Speed and Time Info: (No Subtitle or Audio Info is displayed as well)  theme you referred me to, I noticed that after selecting a photo for a new background and pressing the Options button that the Options menu no longer appears.  Is there something in that theme that I have to change or add back in to recover this feature.

This has Nothing to do with the “video_run.xml”   as all it changes is the appearance Video Playback Screen.
The Option Menu is controlled by “inc_option_menu_page_list.xml” & “option_menu_page.xml”
Tested the “video_run.xml” on a few different themes and it works as intended, and does not affect
“Options” for changing Backgrounds… which it wouldnt.

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(Q1)  How do change a theme to set my own photo as the background for all screens?

(Q2)  I usually like to view videos with the Video Playback Panel displayed, but I notice if you use either Fast Forward or Fast Reverse  that a few secs after you return to normal speed playback, that the Video Playback Panel disappears and then I have to keep pressing OK button to get it back.  Is there anything I can do to prevent this either in a theme or otherwise?

Please ignor (Q1) as I’ve figured it out already.  Thanks

@ stevertyu

(Q2) I usually like to view videos with the Video Playback Panel displayed, but I notice if you use either Fast Forward or Fast Reverse that a few secs after you return to normal speed playback, that the Video Playback Panel disappears and then I have to keep pressing OK button to get it back.

This is standard behaviour for WDTV Live Hub. The timing of the Display Panel is controlled via the Firmware.

Is there anything I can do to prevent this either in a theme or otherwise?

To prevent it from disappearing you can delete the code in yellow. But realise it will never disappear. Why anyone would want that feature is beyond my understanding.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<button valkey="CLOSE"/>
<button valkey="SKIP_TIME"/>
<wrapper disable="@@disable_subtitle_audio_info">
<!-- information time info -->
<wrapper disable="@@disable_time_info">
<image image="image/video_playing_bar_bg.png" x="70" y="644" w="1141" h="50"/>
<image image="@@speed_state" x="89" y="658" w="30" h="23"/>
<text text="@@speed_value" x="120" y="657" w="33" h="22" fontsize="20" align="left"/>
<progress_bar name="video_time_bar" x="162" y="662" w="832" h="14" pb_back_img="image/video_playback_playing_progress_bar_bg.png" pb_front_img="image/video_playback_playing_progress_bar.png" pb_point_img="image/playing_progress_bar_point.png" pb_delay="500"/>
<text text="@@current_time" x="999" y="661" w="103" h="22" fontsize="20" align="right"/>
<text text="@@duration_time" x="1108" y="661" w="96" h="22" fontsize="20" align="left"/>
<image image="@@shufle-ico" x="1234" y="599" w="48" h="36"/>
<image image="@@wrongkeyicon" x="563" y="282" w="154" h="155" align="hcenter" />
<image image="@@keyicon" x="1063" y="71" w="65" h="45" align="hcenter" />
<text text="@@info_now_playing" x="65" y="18" w="243" h="31" fontsize="26"/>
<include filename="./ipcam_pip_win.xml" />
<text text="@@mod_txt" x="162" y="186" w="958" h="34" fontsize="30" textcolor="0xffffff" align="hcenter" auto_translate="1"/>
<text x="450" y="160" w="372" h="26" text="@@text-OPTION" fontsize="24" textcolor="0x07b5ff" align="hcenter" disable="@@disable-text-options"/>
<image image="@@mod_img" x="1063" y="71" w="107" h="107"/>
<image image="@@info_mute_icon" x="1162" y="49" w="48" h="48"/>

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In the Setup menu I have have my Browser Display set to List View and on my old 4:3 aspect ratio TV it will  display a maximum 16  files or folders at once on one page.  Is there anyway this number can be increased by modifying a Theme or other.

To answer this Off-Topic Question:

Open with Notepad or Notepad++  this XML …


and finally edit it for your own personal preference.  (study this XML in other Themes to gain an insight as to what changes you need to make.)

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Sorry about the Off -Topic question.  The info you have provided over the past week has enabled me to construct a theme so the Video Playback Panel will finally display exactly the way I had hoped for.  Thank you so much for your patience and detailed helpful information. I will probably still have a few more off- topic questions, but I will start a new Topic for those as they arise. I don’t know what newbes like me would do without helpful contributors like you.  Thanks again Joey!