Very Slow Dashboard access on My Cloud Mirror 8TB 2 Gen

I think the 40 second reset is different than the restore, not sure though… but you should do a 40 second reset (if you feel you are having problems) after a firmware update. One of the major things that a reset does is to reset all the permissions.

I think the WD programmers uses this to clean up the system after a firmware that has gone wrong which happens quite often in the early days. Resets admin passwords, resets IPs I think, resets ownership, adds back the public folder that everyone tries to delete which subsequently probably causes a firmware problem when it tries to locate a non existent share.

AFP may seem to be faster but theoretically SMB 3 is suppose to be the fastest today of which the new firmware is suppose to support but in order to deactivate it in gen 2, I honestly don’t know how, but hopefully if you don’t attach via SMB then perhaps SMB won’t cause any problems.

I’m on a MacBook 12". Through ethernet, I get blazing speeds with SMB on my single drive cloud approximately 80-90MB reads and close to 50-60MB/s writes. AFP on the other hand is about half the speeds, although directory reads (file listing) on massive directories like my epub folder which contains about 25,000 folders and files, gets read in about 30 seconds compared to SMB which takes up to 30 minutes just to read the directory.

If you are ok with AFP, yeah it is a good idea to avoid SMB on the latest version until they fix it.

Oh wait a minute… if you are on a Mac, check this out …

Which may be the reason that your SMB is slower than your AFP.

So again… good luck… Thanks for keeping us informed of your progress.