Ventilateur / FAN DL2100

Hello, is there some who can tell me the name, number of the fan model from the My Cloud DL2100. I need to change it, he is dead. if you a better model test with a MyCloud DL2100, I take it :slight_smile: thanks

bonjour, est-ce quelqu’un peut me donner la référence du ventilateur du DL2100 pour le changer ?
le mien est mort. Si vous connaissez un modele de ventilateur plus performant, je prends… Merci bcp


i had the same issue, here is my topic and the specs of the fan

Hi :slight_smile:
sorry for my english, I’m french
could you give more information about the new fan you bought. do you made some pictures ? video when you change ? you give the size but could you give the name trademark and where you bought it ?

thks for your help